Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Our chest freezer is a black hole.

And then it frosted up and built big
ice bergs that wouldn't allow us to
slide the shelves around,
so everything under them was going
to have to stay there until the end
of the current ice age.

Which finally occurred last week.
Kyle and I got out there and
after unplugging it and leaving it
open to thaw, pulled out all the old
2014 stuff that was buried in there.

You think I'm joking.

There were still a few things we
couldn't get out. Still frozen.

Friday my farrier came by to do the
horses' feet and I gave him all the old
rabbit pelts. I know they will use them
to make something cool.
And I won't.

And then after he left I had to drive south
to teach my class.

So the freezer remained mostly empty.
And warm.

And it STANK!

So this morning after a trip into town for
some church stuff I needed to do...

Kyle and I pushed it out the door so it could drain.

We pulled the drain plug out,
put a hose in there to rinse it out,
and let it do its thing.

Then I sprayed it down really well with some
bleach water and cleaned it all up.

It's beautiful.

Then we slid it back into it's rightful spot.
Where it awaits our next load of beef.
The girls have an appointment for "freezer camp"
on the 6th of January.
Which means the freezer should be full in a couple
of weeks after that.

Meanwhile, I was nervous Beau would get 
in the way. At the very least he would run
around in the stinky water and then he would
need a bath. And it was only 50 degrees out there.

So we put a Bull(dog) in the Bull / Stock Trailer.

He was not amused.

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