Friday, December 28, 2018

Light It Up

My darling husband and son 
are at it again.

It took some designing.
It took some welding.
It took some painting.

But they ended up with a 

It looks fantastic on our gorgeous
end tables that Kyle made for us
a couple of years ago.

I like it so much that I have commissioned
another one to go on the other table.
And then I'm going to move the
pretty metal lamp Mom and Dad gave us
a couple of years ago to the table
by the arm chair and FINALLY get rid
of the hideous floor lamp our good
friends Carol & Dayle gave us when
they moved to Arizona.
A million years ago.


However, today the guys are out in the
WAY back pasture pouring a concrete footer
in preparation for the new metal carport thing
we inherited from Linda and Doug.
It's going to be PERFECT for storing
lots of round rolls of hay (now that we
have a good source - the farmer next door
to Kyle's ranch is a hay farmer and has
really nice rolls for $40 instead of $65!)
And there will be enough room in
there as well to stash our stock trailer.
When we get it. Some day...)

Rod has been BUSY on his week "off".
He'll be ready to get back to work
and take a REST!

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