Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Light Switch Plate

Remember the cute little (ok it's 3 acres...)
place Linda and I stopped at a couple 
of months ago?

Rod and I decided to stop by on our way
home from the ranch last Thursday.

He took a couple of pictures,
but I haven't gotten them from him yet.

We had a blast wandering around,
looking at all the thousands and thousands
of interesting things they have there.

And we found a little something to buy.

We have a 4-switch thing.
It had a traditional, ugly switch plate.

But now it's CUTE!

I love it!

And here's a picture of MY buffaloe.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Another Busy Day

I worked at town hall for a couple of hours
yesterday - paying the town's bills.
Got the checks all ready for signatures
and dashed home for a minute.

There is literally NO FOOD that doesn't
require defrosting and significant cooking.

So I tossed some okra in the air fryer,
some eggs in the fry pan,
and repeated breakfast for dinner.

And then dashed back over to town hall
for the special meeting and workshop.
Got all my checks signed and stayed in my
office with the door open so I could hear
and see but not be seen (for the most part).
(I was entering some deposits etc into QuickBooks
in the meantime, so I wasn't just sitting there...)

The meeting lasted 2 hours.
Some of it was very informative.
Some of it was BORING.
And some of it got a little rowdy.

But they FINALLY got to the point,
accomplished "something" and called
it a night.

I got home about 9:20.

This morning I headed back over,
got the checks and invoices all copied,
the checks into envelopes and ready
to take to the post office,
and then plugged in my ear buds and
started typing up some minutes of the meeting.

It took me nearly 2 hours!
That even includes skipping over the 30 minutes
I knew was just the town engineer going over
a surface map showing every ditch, canal,
and drop of water in the entire town.
(We have a stormwater problem... the 
drainage / ditch system is broken.)

I finally got it so it was (I hope) coherent,
put it on the Town Administrator's desk so
he can take a look.
Hopefully he recognizes it as the meeting
he attended.

Left about 4:45 and headed to the post office
and then home.

Once again, I was starving.
(I had a delicious bowl of oatmeal for breakfast,
but I didn't have anything but a hand full 
of almonds for lunch.)

Okra and eggs to the rescue!

And now I'm making protein balls for snacking
on for the rest of the week for Rod and I.
And in a little bit I'm going to get up
and make a "cheesy chicken & broccoli casserole"
for Rod and I to eat for lunches this week.

Random picture of Roxy since I haven't put any pictures in my blog for a couple of days!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Still Alive

Last weekend --- Class
Monday --- the Ranch and first cattle run through.
Tuesday --- Orlando for instructor training.
Wednesday --- Orlando for instructor training.
Wednesday --- Town Hall to do payroll & bills.
Wednesday --- drive to ranch with Rod.
Thursday --- 7:30 am vet & cowboy cattle working
Thursday --- drive back.
Friday --- Town Hall to pay bills & make deposits.
Friday --- Drive to West Palm Beach
Saturday --- School til 7:15 pm
Sunday --- School til 9:15 pm
Sunday --- Drive home.
Monday --- Town Hall to work & take minutes
for Special Town Council Meeting.
Tuesday - Friday --- Town Hall to work.
Saturday --- SLEEP.

Today Kyle is at the Ocala Cattle Auction.
I WISH I was there with him!
But I have to do the minutes for the
special meeting at Town Hall.
Darn it.

He loaded up 11 yearling calves into the
new stock trailer and drove them over.
Now he's sitting at the cattle auction,
waiting for it to get started at 1:00.
Wishing he could be at the ranch
working on the facility.

I'll try to take it a day (or two) at a time
and write about all the stuff we did.
It was an interesting couple of days.
But now I have to get in the shower and
get to work.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cattle Containment First Run

I’m in Orlando.
Class starts at 9, I just woke up.

Kyle and I went up to the ranch on Monday.
Drove up in the morning after running
around to Lowes and Tractor Supply.
When we got there he did a couple of quick
modifications and then he headed out to 
bring the cows in.

He installed this nifty gate latch.
He made it.

About half the herd followed him in while he
Shook a feed bag from the atv.

We ended up with 29 cow / calf pairs in the first 
holding pens. It wasn’t over crowded, but
probably as many cows as we should do at once.

Started out slow. Only working 2 or 3 at a time.
It went pretty smoothly. We had a couple of
minor challenges. A cow who refused to turn her
head in order to run through the chute
without catching her horns.
Another who tried to turn around and got kind
of wedged in there. Dumb cow.
And a calf that we finally gave up on.

We got some things figured out and got better
at what we were doing, figured out that having
both of us on the ground herding them into the
working pens was more successful.
There was one cow who was really aggressive.
She will be sold.

Especially since she did THIS.

Friday, February 15, 2019

And So It Begins

And so begins the BUSY week.

I spent a couple of hours at the town hall
this morning.
There wasn't much to do... send some emails,
print some stuff for signatures,
enter some bills to be paid later...
So I came home.

Put some laundry in.
Meet the neighbor to and show her 
how to feed the animals so she can
cover for us while we are gone.

Make some food for Rod for while
I am gone.  I should probably
get started on that...

Drive to West Palm to teach this weekend.

Sunday night I'll drive home and unpack.
Monday morning early I'll repack and
head up to the ranch to help Kyle
do a "dry run" through the cattle facility.

I'll probably stay up there Monday night
and drive from there to Orlando on 
Tuesday morning to be at my meeting
by 9:00. (ish)

I have meetings all day and a team dinner
that night. I'll go to the dinner and show up
at the "after party" in the director's suite,
but only long enough to be seen.

Wednesday I have meetings from 9 til noon
and then it's back in the car and drive
to the Town Hall to process payroll.
And pay some bills.

Then back home to unpack and repack,
feed all the animals, do whatever needs
doing, and then when Rod gets home from work
we will jump in the truck and head up
to the ranch again.

The vet is coming Thursday morning early,
but I got a text from Linda that she wants
to keep the calves on their Moms until they
are 500 pounds. So we might not bring
anybody home with us.
I'll make that decision when I'm up there
on Monday. If we are taking 2, we'll bring
the trailer up on Thursday.
Or we won't.
I love stuff that's up in the air...

When we are done up there we will head
home again and maybe unload 2 new
calves and get them settled.
Rod might (or might not) go to work
on Friday. I'll spend the day
unpacking / repacking 
and doing laundry
and then I'll head back down to 
West Palm to teach for the weekend.

I get home LATE Sunday night.
And I need to go into the Town Hall
on Monday to do some minor stuff
and then go back that night at 6:30
for a Special Council Meeting and
a 7:00 Workshop.
I am supposed to take minutes, but we
are recording the meeting so I can
do the minutes from there.
I'm not sure if I will stay for the whole meeting.
Depends on how tired I am.
(But I need to go to collect $ from the council
members who are pre-paying for a dinner
meeting the following week...)

Tuesday it's back to Town Hall to type
up the minutes.
And then the week slows down.
I'll go in for a couple hours everyday
for the rest of the week, 
but there's nothing urgent at that point.

The Treasurer comes back on Saturday.
I'll be glad to see her!

I'm not taking my laptop so I might not post
next week.
It's hard to blog from my iPad.

But I might.
You never know.

If not, have a great week and I'll
see you on the other side!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Grove Collaboration

The THM girls introduced me to a new company.

Grove Collaboration.

They sell natural cleaning products
for a good price and ship them to
you for free on a regular basis.
(Or you can just order when you want.)

There is a special where you get $30
worth of stuff for free!

So I ordered it.
I did the order on Friday evening
while the guys were out of town.
And it came today!

I ordered a couple of extra things
because I wanted them.

This is what I got in my box.

Here's a closer look...

First off we have a little cloth bag filled
with natural bamboo drinking straws.
They have Grove Collaboration stamped into
each straw.
And came with that little brush for
keeping them clean.
Cuz, ya' know... plastic straws are EVIL.

A Walnut and Cellulose sponge.
Cuz... I wanted it?
(And it was FREE!)

I already use a natural toothpaste.
But I'm nearly out, and this one looked
like fun...
So I'm giving it a try.

Cinnamon bar soap!
Kyle loves bar soaps.
So I got this one for him.
(And he loves cinnamon...)

A glass spray bottle with a silicone bottom.
Cuz', ya' know... plastic is EVIL.
(But it was FREE!)

A CALMING mud mask.
Cuz... mud.
And calming.
Sounded like a fun thing to try
while in my hotel room this weekend.

A nifty little carrier thingie filled with free
Mrs. Meyers cleaners.
I picked Rosemary flavor.
Hand soap, dish soap and general cleaner.
I use this stuff ALL THE TIME
since Rozann sent me some for Christmas.
I'm hooked!
(And it was all FREE!)

Mint flavored daily shower cleaner spray
in a (gasp) plastic spray bottle.
You are supposed to spray your shower walls
after each shower and then you never have
to scrub your shower again.
That would be awesome.
Wonder if it will work with our well water...
I'm willing to give it a try.
(And it was FREE! hahahaha)

Wanna give it a try?

I think I paid $23 for all the extra goodies I bought.
Totally worth it, I think.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Last... Again.

Why am I always the last person on the planet
to learn stuff that everybody else knows???



Over the weekend I was watching some random
YouTube videos. I don't do that often, but the
guys were up at the ranch, pouring concrete
and I was here alone.

I ended up on the channel of a news anchor
from somewhere in Texas.
She was really polished and pretty and
was teaching how to do "mature" makeup.

Well... I'm not sure I'm "mature" but
since I'm 59, I'm old.
So I decided to watch.
I got some good pointers.

And then her next video was tips about
taking selfies.
I do not take selfies.
It's hard.
And stupid.
And narcissistic.
(Which are my excuses cuz the REAL reason
is it's too hard to hold the phone and 
push the stupid camera button at the same time.)

So yeah.
She starts out with
"I'm sure you already know this, but when taking
a selfie, the bottom half of the volume button
on the side of your phone will also snap
the picture."


It's a whole new ball game out there people!

Sunday, after church, (read makeup... lol)
I decided to give it a try.

Yup, works!
It would work better if I didn't have an
"otter box" on my phone which makes
it hard to push the buttons,
but this is a whole bunch easier!

I played with it a little.

And decided I'm still not a selfie person.

But I learned something!
And that's always good!


Busy week this week.
Nothing as busy as NEXT week is going to be,
but still.

This week I'm spending a couple hours at
Town Hall every day.
Our Town Treasurer / Town Clerk is in Atlanta
for the next 3 weeks helping her sister who
is going through chemo / radiation.

I'm covering for her.
Today I went in and did the deposits.
And researched a bunch of stuff.
Tomorrow I'll do the bills.
I'm hoping the Town Administrator will
be there tomorrow. (He wasn't there today...)
He set up a laptop for me to use,
but it won't connect to any of the websites
that I need access to while I'm there.

I have a bunch of stuff I need to update
in QuickBooks, but can't do it if I
can't get in the system...

I'm starting a new class this weekend.
I have 49 people pre-registered, so it 
should be a good 18-20 person class.
I like that size.

Next week "we" are closed on Monday.
Tuesday and Wednesday I'm in Orlando at 
our annual "Train the Trainer" meeting for school.
9-5 on Tues with a "team dinner" at 6.
Wed is 9-12 and then I jump in my car
and dash back to the town to get Payroll done
before the deadline.
Also post the agenda for the regular 
Town Council Meeting.
And then meet Rod when he gets off work
so we can drive up to the
ranch and help Kyle with the vet 
at 7:30 (in the MORNING! Yikes).
They are vaccinating all the cows,
castrating all the little bull calves,
weighing everybody,
and hopefully putting two new little steers
in the trailer for Rod and I to bring home.
And then Friday it's back to the Town
during the day and driving down to school
that evening.


I still hate my hair.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


Yesterday I took a huge plunge.

I went to a hair salon and told them
I thought it was time to "grey gracefully".

I have a significant patch of iron grey
hair on the top of my head.
Which is why I wear my hair up
99% of the time.
Cuz then you can see the grey,
but not the weird red/brown on
the rest of my head.

No idea why I took that picture.
I was sitting in my "office" at school.

I spent FIVE hours in the chair.
Who does this?

Thank goodness I brought my Kindle.
I finished Hunger Games #2 and started #3.

First she did a "weave" and stripped the 
color from a bunch of my hair.
It was practically white and I was 

Then she added the "beautiful gun metal grey".

It took FOREVER.
And I spent WAY too much time with my
head hanging in the sink.
My neck was not happy at all.

And then she cut it.
And then she dried it.
And then I paid a gazillion dollars for it.
And then I came home.
And was SUPER disappointed.

Yes, I'm wearing a tank.
Just finished working out and doing my 20 minutes
of daily"Vitamin D Therapy".
ie: sitting in the sun while reading.

I'm really pleased with the cut.
But the color is SO not what I wanted.
It's dark.
She got rid of the ugly red/brown,
But she also got rid of most of the grey.
There are ZERO streaks.
What did we spent over an hour doing
the stupid foil weave things for?????

I'll live with it.
Cuz I'm never spending 5 hours in a 
salon chair again as long as I live.

It just means I have to start over with 
the whole "going grey" thing.

But at least its not pink.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

BLT on a "Diet"

I was craving a BLT today.
But I don't really do bread.
I can do sprouted whole wheat bread,
but that is a carb, and the ingredients in BLT
are most definitely FATS.

I got creative.

Granted, I didn't invent this... but I get
points for remembering its existence. 
(I'm an easy grader... lol)

Start with two big ol' romaine lettuce leaves.
And then a shmear of Duke's mayonnaise.

I feel sorry for you people who don't live
in the south where Duke's is the mayo of royalty.
It's amazing.

Then I pulled out two slices of baked bacon.
(I did a rasher {two cookie sheets} full on Sunday.)
Heated them up quick in the microwave.

Sliced up a Roma tomato (more meat).
And half an avocado, changing this from a BLT
to a BLTA.


I probably should have dusted it with some
Lawry's Seasoned Salt.
But I didn't think about it until just now.

It hit the spot.
Scratched the itch.
Satisfied the craving.

And made me very very happy.

Monday, February 4, 2019

All By Himself...

Kyle is such a talented man!

He has been building the cattle containment system.

These are the pictures he took Saturday before he
headed home. (He ran out of wood, needs 100
more boards and they come from Orlando,
so today he is here, changing the oil in his
truck, while he waits to hear the wood is ready.)

He's part monkey and takes pictures
from WAAAY up on top of something
he probably shouldn't be on... lol

This is the LONG alley leading to the
scales (still to come), palpation gate and
squeeze chute.
He and Rod are going to pour a concrete pad
to put the scales on. Probably this week or weekend.
Fingers crossed!

The metal gate in the foreground and also
way down the alley are ones they
ordered. Kyle wasn't super happy with
the quality, but they work and he didn't
have time to fabricate them on his own.

There are several of them.
These are the gates that were in my
backyard last week...

The material is pretty good quality, but the
welds leave something (a LOT) to be desired.

This is the "sweep"...

He fabricated a hinge so the gate can swing the entire 270 degrees.
Again... talented!

A close-up of how he did the round section.
Each of these cuts were with a CHAIN SAW.
You use what you got....

Mid construction

Here's a quick video he took to show the swinging gate
and his nifty, bright blue hinges he created.

He greased the hinges after the video.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Riding with my Husband

Rod suggested we take the horses out.
They (we) haven't been out in a long time!

This morning was the PERFECT morning for it.

Tacked up, put the dogs away, and headed out.

Getting on my horse was an abomination!
Luckily I was behind Rod and he was
focused on getting his horse ready
because that mount was NOT graceful!
(More of a "drag" than a "mount" really...)

And then, while getting on, he knocked off his hat.
So I gallantly offered to "hop down" (loose definition of "hop")
and rescue it for him.

And then I had to get back on again.

Very nearly caused us to abort the entire ride,
right there in our driveway!


But I made it into my saddle.
And again, luckily, without an audience.
Andy wasn't too impressed though.

Check out that blue sky!

CJ walks much faster than Andy does.

We spend a lot off time jogging to catch up.

And the cute cowboy and his horse!

A really nice couple is building a new house
right there at the end of the road,
next to the entrance to the preserve.
(Working in the town building department lets me
meet all sorts of folks!)

Rod's stirrups were too short, so we stopped
at the trail shelter my committee built,
and he fixed them.
Luckily he is much better at the mount/dismount thing.

We met a couple of bike riders just coming in 
for a rest. They were very pleasant and looked
like they were having a fun morning.
(although the two "newbies" looked a little ... exhausted?)
The guys that ride out there all the time
forget how taxing "mountain / sand" riding can be!

And we were off again!

After the obligatory photos, of course.

Beautiful morning, eh?

And a really nice ride! 
We rode for about an hour.
We have other stuff to do.

And none of us are getting any younger.

The horses were ready for a little rest and a good
roll and back scratch when we got home.

All in all, a nice morning.

This month is the first month of my 
60 day T-Tapp Challenge.
Today, for day 2, we went riding.

My goal for this challenge is
1. Consistency
2. Drop a size from 8 to 6.

My goal for this MONTH of the challenge
is to improve my thigh strength.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Yard or Parking Lot?

This sometimes happens when Kyle is here.

There is Kyle's truck, trailer and Cat.
Linda's dump truck is in the background,
filled with a load of dirt, leftover from a job
he and Rod did over the weekend.

In another part of the yard is his car
and a load of sliding gates that will be
going up to the ranch along with the trailer
they will be going up on...

Better picture of the gates.
And to the left of his car is our black truck
and Linda's horse trailer.
We still have it from all the various cow trips.
We have another one coming up in a couple
of weeks, when we go north to get our calves.

Also, of course, we have the Trooper.

And the gates.

And the busy guy himself.

Loading? Unloading? Who knows...

Sometimes the yard gets BUSY.
And then he leaves.
And it's EMPTY out there.