Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cattle Containment First Run

I’m in Orlando.
Class starts at 9, I just woke up.

Kyle and I went up to the ranch on Monday.
Drove up in the morning after running
around to Lowes and Tractor Supply.
When we got there he did a couple of quick
modifications and then he headed out to 
bring the cows in.

He installed this nifty gate latch.
He made it.

About half the herd followed him in while he
Shook a feed bag from the atv.

We ended up with 29 cow / calf pairs in the first 
holding pens. It wasn’t over crowded, but
probably as many cows as we should do at once.

Started out slow. Only working 2 or 3 at a time.
It went pretty smoothly. We had a couple of
minor challenges. A cow who refused to turn her
head in order to run through the chute
without catching her horns.
Another who tried to turn around and got kind
of wedged in there. Dumb cow.
And a calf that we finally gave up on.

We got some things figured out and got better
at what we were doing, figured out that having
both of us on the ground herding them into the
working pens was more successful.
There was one cow who was really aggressive.
She will be sold.

Especially since she did THIS.

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