Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sink Hole

Oh my goodness!
Kyle just video called me.
He just drove his tractor into a
sink hole!

He's out tilling one of the pastures
and all of a sudden the ground
just opened up and the back
end of his tractor fell in!

It's probably 4 feet deep.
Both of his rear tires are suspended in
the air about 2 feet above the bottom
of the hole.
The only thing holding his tractor out
is the bottom plough he was pulling.
I'm worried it's going to break that off.
Or at the very least break the PTO
on the back of the tractor.
Or fall in more.
Or fall over on Kyle.

So I had him hang up and video call 
his Dad. Rod and Scott are both at
F.I.T. together tonight and between
those three, hopefully they will
be able to come up with a plan.

Good grief!

The hole goes the entire width of the tractor but is deeper on this side.

The only thing keeping it up is the plough.
The tines are 12 inches into the dirt.

He originally thought he drove over a gopher tortoise hole with the front tire. 

But then the back end fell in and he was pretty sure
he was going over sideways!


Never a dull moment around here.

He couldn't get Rod on the phone so he called me back.
I suggested he go get his "tank" and push some
of the loose dirt he's just ploughed into the hole
to give his tires something to grip.

So he did that.

Then he called me again and we video chatted,
because I wanted to WATCH him drive it out.
On the off-chance it fell over and squished him.
SOMEBODY needed to know he needed help.

He used the front bucket to try to pull himself
out, but as he tried to drive forward it tipped more,
so he reversed it and backed out of the hole.
The bucket was on the ground and pulled a
bunch of dirt back into the hole.

So his tractor is safe,
his heart is back to beating normally,
and all is right with the world.

For now.


In other news, Rod gave me a blessing last night.
I woke up about 4:15 this morning with an
elephant sitting on my chest, pretty sure
I have full blown bronchitis,
but as the day goes by,
I'm feeling really good.
Can take a full lung of air without coughing.
My voice is still a bit rough,
and squealing at your son on the phone
wasn't the best choice... (lol)
but I'm sucking on a lozenge and
feeling like I've got this under control.
Because our doctor is out sick.
*(Pretty sure she caught it from Rod.. LOL!)

Monday, April 29, 2019

Minnie Mouse

I taught over the weekend.
And meanwhile I caught Rod's cold.

I feel fine.
But I have laryngitis.
That was fun!

I had a really good group of students.
They got together and got me a
cute little container full of 
mini Snickers
and a giant Kiss candy.

(I guess they missed that part where
I mentioned I'd been sugar free
for about 5 years...

It was really nice of them, though.
They also all wrote nice things
in a card for me.
And they were very patient and understanding
about our "guest instructor".
(Minnie Mouse)

I ended up testing 16 people and 
12 of them passed!
That was GREAT!

While I was out of town,
Rod and Kyle went to the annual
tree sale in town.

We now have a loquat,
a peach,
an orange
and a lemon!

I'm excited!
They all look like healthy little trees.
(The peach was one they got 2 years
ago at the same sale - we nearly lost it
in a hurricane, but it's coming back...)

Beau helped dig the holes.

Today I'm just lazing around on the couch.
Resting my voice and my body.
And answering a gazillion texts from
students and instructors.

There's hope my voice will be back soon.
But it is quiet around here in the meantime.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I spent the day up at the ranch with Kyle yesterday.

I was hoping to leave out of here about
7:30 in the morning, but that didn't work out.
I finally was all fueled up and on the
road about 8:20.

When I got to the ranch, Kyle and I headed
out so he could show me all the work
he has been doing on the property.
And we also picked a couple of early

He is going to have a bumper crop
in just a couple of weeks.
But one bush, hiding under an oak tree
already had some ripe.

And then it was out to the back
to gather up his cows.
They were feeling very cooperative!
We opened the gate and they just
sort of headed on in!
It was all very nice, quiet, non-stressful!

We got them all into the holding pen
and then slowly shooshed them into
the alley in small groups.
As big as 7 or 8 and as small as 2 or 3.
Once they were in the alley,
Kyle walked along the cat walk and
sprayed each one on the back for flies.
Then we opened the slide gate and
they walked onto the scales.
I recorded their ear tag number and weight
and we opened the door and let them out.

Some of the groups had babies in it.
Kyle was able to get in there quietly
and sort the babies off into the small
calf pen off to the side.

Then we worked a group of about 6 babies.

They are so small, they can turn around 
in the alley, so it was a challenge to get
them headed the right way and into the scales.
But everybody was pretty cooperative.

Until the last two.
A little male/female pair who are 
VERY bonded.
They tried to get in together.
But we needed them one at a time.
Split off the little girl and got her in there.
Turned around and was desperately trying
to get back to her little friend.
Stuck her head between the bars of the
slider gate... and got STUCK!
She was REALLY stuck!
Pulling back, bawling, I thought she was
going to pull her ears off. Or pop an eye ball out.
Or something...

I went around to the other side and tried to
push her so she was lined up straight.
She fought against that.
She was really pulling hard!
Kyle finally got in the alley in front
of her head and pulled up on her jaw
until she finally got the right angle
and popped her head back out.
We were really stumped!
A quick weight and out she went.

We saved "Tex" a Texas Longhorn for last.
She had her new little guy with her and we
were afraid it would get squished in the alley
if he was in there with the other mamas.
Once the mamas and babies were all back
in their pasture, we tried to figure out
how to move the 4 extra heifers from a
front pasture to the facility.
They are being kept separate since 1 is going
down to the Melbourne farm, 2 are sold
for grass-fed beef once they come up to weight,
and one is a Melbourne farm reject.
There is no "alley" connecting the front pasture
with the facility yet, so we hoped we could
either lead or drive them.


They ended up in the main alley by accident,
and ran all the way to the very back corner
of the property, and then we got them turned around
and pushed them back up to the facility.

It took 45 minutes!

And 5 minutes to run them through,
weigh and spray
and then when we let them back out,
they headed straight to their pasture!

We were done in about 10 minutes!

These are the miscreants.

Molly is the red one up front.
The two black ones are the grass-feds.
And the one in the middle with the little dot
on her head is Sunny - heading to Melbourne
one of these days.

We used two gates and a buggy to make a
make-shift alley to get the heifers from the
pasture into the facility.
It worked when they got OUT.
But not much for going IN.

Before I got there, Kyle made a trip into town
and bought himself a new crockpot
and a pork roast "kit" including the veggies and seasonings.
It smelled heavenly!

But I didn't get to stay.
I still had to run into Ocala and pick up some
feed for our farm and then get home.

On my way out, Kyle picked me some flowers!

I enjoyed them on my drive home.


I got up this morning to a colic-y horse.
Andy didn't feel well.

He curled up in the shade for about an hour.
And then he got up, got a drink of water,
and went back to grazing.

Silly boy.
Glad he's feeling better.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Monday!

I had a nice busy weekend!

I tried running a school over Easter weekend.
There were 65 students registered... but many
of the folks who get registered don't have any
intention of ever following through.

I ended up with a surprising 22 students!

They were a really good bunch.
We had a lot of fun,
they were very complimentary
and learned a lot.

back at the farm,
its been a LONG time...
but we FINALLY have some ripe
tomatoes on our little topsy turvy thingie.

Beautiful, aren't they?
Rod took the picture.
I told him to go ahead and eat them,
but they didn't.

So this morning I picked my very first tomatoe.

It was perfect!


I'm eating a late brunch.
Okra and eggs.

Did a different workout this morning.
It's called LadyBugs.
It's still T-Tapp, just one I haven't
done in awhile.
And then out to feed the horses,
let the dogs out,
feed them,
visit with Kyle for a few minutes
while I cleaned up the kitchen
and ran the dishwasher.
Went out front with Kyle to trim
the palm trees on the corner of our
driveway, since they block his view
when he is driving his truck.
(I can see under them in my little car,
but he can't see anything up in his truck...)

He loaded up and headed to the ranch,
I came back in, let the dogs out,
took out the weekend trash,
cooked my breakfast,
texted a bunch of people,
did my expense report for last weekend,
and now I've got to get on the road.

I need to run up to Cocoa and deliver some
decals Rod made over the weekend
for our last remaining client.
(We closed Buffalo Graffics about 5 years
ago, but Rod keeps doing Frank's decals,
until the computer finally dies and we're done...
Our computer guru said it's beyond it's
last legs and he can't even scrounge parts
anymore... so the next time it dies...
it's dead.)


That's MY day...
how is YOUR'S?

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Yesterday I made a quiche!
I usually make frittata (crustless quiche)
but this recipe said the crust
was really good.
So I gave it a try.

The recipe said salt to taste
and I under-salted.
Next time (there WILL be
a next time)
I will put in a teaspoon.

I will also cut back a bit on
the heavy cream because my
quiche was too big for my
pie plate.
I should really buy a deep
dish pie plate,
but... nah.


It came out really nice.
It has broccoli and bacon.
I used turkey bacon to cut down
on the greasy feeling you get
from regular pork bacon.
(and it's what I have this week...)

It turned out pretty well!

Because of the salt issue, it
was a little flat tasting,
so I added a couple of
shakes of a good hot sauce
(Texas Pete's)
and that was all it needed!

Rod had a slice for breakfast
and said it was yummy.

Speaking of Rod, he has a cold.
That's what happens when he works
as hard as he has been working lately.

But I'm pulling out all the stops
on my voodoo stuff and
hopefully he will be feeling better

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

My Fridge

The Trim Healthy podcast this morning
was all about grocery shopping.
This is Part 3.
And it has been really enlightening.

As part of the podcast, Pearl (one of the
author/sisters) took a picture of the
inside of her fridge and posted
it on their facebook page.
And challenged each of us to do the same.
However, I can't figure out how to post
a picture to THAT page.
I can only get it on my personal page.
And I don't want to do that.

So instead... here it is...
in all it's messy glory!

I don't always have TWO things of heavy cream,
but I'm going to make a broccoli bacon quiche
today and it calls for heavy cream.

On Sunday I popped a chuck roast in my 
Instant Pot with a cup of water and some
salt and pepper for 90 minutes.
I let it "natural pressure release"
(which just means I forgot about it)
for about 30 minutes once it was done.

It turned out SOOOO tender and delicious!
Yesterday I had a big green salad with
sliced roast, cherry tomatoes and
goat cheese and a Skinny Girl raspberry
vinaigrette on the top.
It was so yummy! 

I think I'm going to send my extra
pressure cooker up to Bronson with Kyle.
He could do up a roast and eat on it
for all week.
He's getting a little tired of 
chicken, rice and mixed veggies.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019


I was sitting out in my chair this morning.
Enjoying a little morning sunshine.

And I realized I picked the perfect color.

You can hardly see me!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Lots to Do Today

We had a nice, relaxing-ish weekend.
Rod had to go help a member install
a ceiling fan, I did all the laundry,
and we did some stuff
out in the pastures.
We also went shopping and bought some
fencing material and feed.

Sunday was a great day.
While listening to Elder Holland's talk,
I really felt like we needed to stop sitting
in the overflow and move into the chapel.
So we did.
Sat on the 2nd row.
We have a NOISY ward!
You don't seem to hear it all from the back.

It was ward conference.
They did a complete FLIP of many,
many, many callings.
Released and called a new YW presidency,
a new Primary presidency, a couple of
random callings,
and a new 2nd Counsellor in the Bishopric.


The talks were excellent - our Bishop and our
Stake President (who was our Bishop when he
was called as SP...)
Later in the day Rod got a text from his best
friend, he was released as a High Council member.
So now Rod is 1 of only 3 original members
on the high council.
Makes us wonder...


This morning I got up, did a quick workout,
headed out to feed the horses,
let the dogs out,
made my breakfast of okra and eggs,
visited with Kyle for a minute,
and then he and I headed out.
He brought Linda's truck and stock trailer
home Thursday night.
He had a little trouble with the truck
on the ride home. In the truck stop his 
steering wheel locked up and his brakes failed.

He called Rod (they were on the phone when I
got off the plane), drove it around a little and
it seemed to be ok, so he headed on home.
We were all on pins and needles for the 
next 3 hours, waiting for him to safely arrive.
Which he did.

Friday he had to go over to Linda's and do some
re-fencing and other random things she needed done.
And he took the tires off the stock trailer and
took them in to get new valve stems because
they won't hold air for more than a day.

This morning he unhooked the trailer and he
drove Linda's truck and I drove his big white truck.
We headed into town to pick up the tires
loaded them into the white truck's bed.
Then to our mechanic to drop off Linda's truck.
When we got there, Lou said it was simply
low power steering fluid.
(Which was what Rod and Kyle thought, but
it was good to get it confirmed by a professional...)
He went to get some fluid and I headed home.

He put the tires back on the trailer and headed
over to Linda's to pick up a little cow that is
moving to the ranch.
And I got in my car and headed back into town.

1. WalMart for dog food, a flat of water, some
sugar free BBQ sauce and some butter spray.

2. Sprint Store to return our old phones.
But they said their system was broken and 
recommended I UPS them to the warehouse.
I had everything I needed, just preferrred to
put them in a human's hands.

3. Across the street to the mall, back to H&M
to return some no-show socks I bought last
week that didn't stay on my feet, despite a little
bit of silicone on the heel. They were $13 so
I returned them!

4. Up the road to Tractor Supply to return the $35
sprinkler we bought for the new pasture
that ended up not working.

5. Across the road and up the street to Linda's.
Kyle was just pulling out, so I stopped
and visited with him for a minute and then
he headed on up to the ranch.

6. Up the road to Aldi's, my favorite little
grocery store. (Aldi's was started by the brother of the guy
who started Trader Joe's. So the quality is really good,
and the prices are really low. I love it!)
Needed some heavy cream to make a
delicious looking quiche I saw yesterday.
Also some greek yogurt and some
cottage cheese and sour cream.

7. Back into the next town over to the UPS
main depot to drop off the phones.
I took pictures of all the paperwork,
wrote down (and took pictures of) 
all the serial numbers, crossed my
fingers and handed them to the lady
behind the desk.
Here's hoping they actually get there.

8. HOME! Unloaded the trunk.

9. Made a DELICIOUS little Lorenza!

Last night I cooked a nice chuck roast
in my pressure cooker.
I sliced up a little and used it as the meat
on my Lorenza.
I think I liked it even better than the steak!
It was more tender and easier to eat.

This is actually a picture of the ones I made on
Friday for everybody for dinner.
I used chicken thigh.
It was yummy.
But roast is my favorite so far.
And everybody liked them.
(Sunday Kyle made himself one for lunch!)

And now... I'm going to sit on my couch for a bit.
It's nearly 5:30.
So pretty soon I need to unload my dishwasher
and go outside and feed the animals again.
But for now, I'm eating my Lorenza,
watching last week's Master Chef Jr.

Hope the trip to Victoria turned out well!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Home again, Home again...

Got up around 6 and made my breakfast,
(eggs and okra)
did my dishes, swept the floor and
cleaned the kitchen and bathroom.
Finished up the last little bits of packing
and was ready when Nancy came to
pick me up and take me to Mom and Dad's.

She arranged for an Uber to come there
to take me to the airport, since she needed
to be at the Foundation (she missed last
week to spend time with me, and Sue is
out of town, so there would be nobody there!)

We chatted for a minute, said our goodbyes,
and she headed off to pick up her bagels
to take with her for her clients.

M&D&I sat in their living room and 
chatted while we waited for Uber.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.

So I called Nancy to check on the status.
And it said it was cancelled because
there were no drivers available in the area.

So she hopped in her car and came to get me.

Meanwhile, she ordered another Uber to
pick me up from her house, since she never
has a problem getting one there.

However, he took a wrong turn and we could
see his little car on our app map, driving
up and down the road looking for her address.

It took FOREVER to figure out the app,
and I finally figured out how to text him,
but he didn't respond, so after some more
looking (turns out if it was a snake it would have
bitten me, it was right THERE) I found a way
to call him.
He agreed to meet us in front of McDonalds
and he literally pulled up just as we were 
taking my suitcase out of the trunk.
A quick hug and she headed back over to
pick up her bagels and get to the Foundation.
I SO appreciate her taking such good care of me!


My Uber driver was a man named BOB!
(My favorite name...)
He used to live in Florida and most of his
family is still here but over on the other coast.
So we had a nice visit while he drove me
to the airport.
We got me there in plenty of time to
check my luggage, get boarding passes
and walk to my gate.

It was another tiny little airplane, since I was
only hopping up to Phoenix.
It took us longer to taxi out to the runway
than it did to fly there!
I sat by a nice lady who was heading to Austin.

I had a good hour layover in Phoenix.
Long enough to use the restroom,
buy a bottle of water and a bag of
Veggie Straws
and sit and relax for a bit before 
climbing on a much larger plane
and heading east.

I sat between a young man with good headphones
and a middle aged guy in a Harley Davidson shirt.
The Harley guy and I chatted motorcycles, horses,
and Florida for a bit and then we both put in
our ear buds and had a nice, peaceful flight home.
There was a little bumpiness, but nothing big.
We all took a couple of naps.
I read a fun book (the one I started while waiting
for Dad to have his surgery).
Finished it a bit before the flight ended.

Rod was there waiting for me,
wearing his fancy cowboy hat.
I didn't recognize him for a minute!
Just thought "There's a handsome cowboy"!
And I was right!

We stopped in town for a quick Chick-Fil-A
sandwich and then headed over the swamp.

Kyle had called and was having some issues
with the truck he was driving (Linda's)
so we were kind of on pins and needles until
he finally pulled into the yard about 11.
His drive was uneventful, which is always good.
He was pulling a big stock trailer,
so we were happy it all went ok.

Had a GOOD night's sleep!

It was a terrific vacation!
I loved getting to see nearly all the family
and spend time with everybody.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Tucson, Day 7

Last day...

This morning I got up, worked out,
cooked my okra and fried eggs,
watered Rozann's vegetable garden
and then I walked over to Nancy's 
and we (Nancy, Chris, Stephen and I)
headed to Le Buzz for breakfast.
I had already had mine, 
but the company was GREAT
(and the food looked delicious).

We headed back to Nancy's and
Chris gave her a haircut.
That man is SO talented!
I sat on the tub in her new bathroom
and watched and marveled.

Then we headed out to do some
errands before we met Mom and Dad
at Mom's favorite cafe, Eclectic.

However, Mom texted and said Dad
was busy working on his remarks for
his sister's memorial and she was
feeling a bit shaky so they decided not
to go out to lunch.
Nancy and I went over to their house
to make sure they were ok and visit
for a little bit.
And then it was back out again...

We stopped at Jason's but this time we
had a mexican style hot dog!
It was very different and quite yummy!

We stopped by a neat little CBD shop
and got some for Jeff.
He has some arthritis and other pain issues
so he is going to give it a try and see
if it helps him as much as it has helped Nancy.

We saw this GREAT gate!
I think it would look terrific over our driveway!

And then we headed to Jeff's shop
so Nancy could do some bookkeeping.

He arrived just as we were leaving.
This is his shy young puppy Sheva. (or Sheba...)

Isn't she pretty?
She had a little steel sliver in her paw.
Poor baby.

Then it was back home so I could start packing,
and then over to Rozann and Greg's for a 
birthday dinner for Naomi.

Greg bbq-ed up some delicious chicken.
This is what he uses...

It was so tasty!
And pretty good on my salad as well!

Then it was time for opening gifts.

And the obligatory silly selfies.

And now I'm finishing packing and
getting ready for a good night's sleep
before a long day of traveling across the country
and back to my family.

I have had a wonderful visit!
And now I'm ready to head home.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tucson, Day 6

Another early start, this time it was to be
at Mom and Dad's by 7:30.
Rozann texted about 6:30 with a garden 
emergency - she has been SUPER busy lately
and forgot to water her little baby veggies.
So I ran over and gave them all a drink.

And then Nancy came by and we 
headed to Mom and Dad's to take Dad
to his dermatologist appointment.
He was having a malignant basal cell
carcinoma removed from his forehead.

Reid said it could be a lengthy procedure
since they cut and then have to check
under a microscope, and possibly cut again,
then check again, rinse and repeat...

Mom went in with Dad while Nancy
and I sat in the waiting room and read books
and then switched to showing each other
pictures and games on our phones.
Then Nanc decided she had a bunch of
errands she needed to run, so she left.
Texted me about 5 minutes later and said
Dad was all done and would be out as soon
as they stitched him up, so she was coming back.

They got everything on the first round!

And then they have standing tradition.
After every INVASIVE procedure, they all
get to have a little hot fudge sundae from
the Dairy Queen.
So we headed there next.
I only had a mug of tea with collagen in it
for breakfast, so a dish of sugar wasn't going
to sit well in my tummy, so I opted out.

Nancy dropped us at M&D's and headed
out to get her errands done before going over
to work at the Foundation.

We sat out on the patio and worked on our
little scrubbies while Dad rested in his chair.

(He was looking at funny pictures on Mom's phone.)

After Mom took a brief nap,
she made us a nice little lunch of yummy
goodies all over a bed of lettuce.

And then she had an appointment to get her 
fingernails redone. So we headed over to her
nail salon. She went in and I walked over to
Albertson's to get them a loaf of bread and
three bananas for Dad's smoothies in the 
mornings. They are leaving on Friday for
Victoria, BC, so they only needed enough to
make it through the rest of the week.

Then I walked back to the salon and sat and
visited with Mom while she got finished.

Her nails were still soft, so I drove us home.
However I went back to my place and she
went home to check on Dad.
I wrote a blog and did some online PFSU stuff
and then sat on the couch and drank 2 bottles
of water while watching another Hearties episode.

Then headed over to Nancy's.
Chris and Stephen came into town and were
cooking dinner for us.
Stephen is an amazing cook!
He made a fabulous ricotta dish with the
most wonderful green salad
and angel food cake with whipped cream and
fresh strawberries for desert.
We had a nice visit with them for a couple
of hours and now we are all settling in
for the night.

It has been a wonderful visit.
I'm sad tomorrow will be my last day!
Although I miss Rod and will be happy to
get home and see him.
But I love getting to spend time with my family!

It's good stuff.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tucson, Day 6

The day started "early" with me walking
over to Nancy's and then we headed down
to her barn to visit her horses.
Ace always has some aggression issues
when its time to eat, but this morning
he decided to take it up a notch and
reached out to bite Nancy.

So out to the arena he headed to do
some work. 

She worked with him, then we put a
halter on him and I worked with him
a little bit and then she worked with
him again.
He's a smart horse!
And has a generally good attitude.
He was fun to play with!

Nancy got him to a really good place,
where he was being respectful
and really listening to what she wanted.

It was fun to pull out my old Parelli skills.
Andy and I haven't played in a LONG time!
Guess it's time to do it again.
We could both use the practice.
(And the exercise... lol)

Then we cleaned up, went over to visit with
Mom and Dad for a bit and then Nancy
had a nail appointment.
We were early, so we went to JoAnn's
to pick up some more yarn for the little
scrubby things Mom and I are knitting
for Rozann to give to all the sisters in 
their ward. She is newly called to the RS Presidency
and they decided they wanted to visit everyone.
And bring them a little something.
So she needs 150 of them.

Then we headed to Nancy's nail place.
She treated me to my FIRST EVER pedicure!

It was VERY relaxing!

I could see doing it again.
Not often... but a couple times a year.

I decided to have FUN with it,
so they took off my red/orange polish.
And this is what I picked.

Kyle will be pleased.
He has tried to talk me into green polish
for YEARS and YEARS!

I even got the goofy flip flop things.

However, I couldn't walk in them.
They were 60 sizes bigger than my feet.

Nancy has been going there for about 15 years.
Everyone knows and loves her.

You can just see her there in the middle of the picture.
White shirt, white hair...

We next headed over to the mall where
Nancy had a couple of specific things she needed
to pick up before they all fly up to Victoria, BC
for Dad's sister Maxine's memorial service this weekend.

But we were walking by H&M and just "had"
to go in... just to see...

I found a couple of perfect blouses to teach in,
the BEST suit jacket,
and a new pair of workout leggings.

It should have been $158.
But there was a terrific sale and I got it
all for $100!
I only paid full price for one blouse,
and I was buying it anyway - it was the
perfect color.

And Nancy got a couple of excellent things as well.

Then it was off to the makeup counter where
Nancy got some really beautiful stuff.
Her skin really looked lovely!
And picked up a pretty black, wool dress
to wear to the service.

Then we dashed back to M&D's where
they were having Family Home Evening 
with Rozann and Greg.
Nancy dropped me off and headed home.
I spent a lovely bit with them,
discussing Elder Holland's excellent talk from
the Saturday afternoon session.
Then Greg gave Dad a really nice blessing
for his medical procedure today and
we headed back home.

I curled up on my couch with my knitting,
a Lorenza (still my new favorite food)
and "When Calls the Heart" season 1 on the TV.

And then off to bed.

All in all, a lovely day!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Tucson, Day 5

Sondra left.

Nancy came over and picked me up
and we headed over to M&D where
she dropped me off and picked up
Sondra to take her to the airport.
And then she headed over to spend
the morning with her granddaughters.

Can't decide which I like best, so you get all 3... hahaha

M&D and I enjoyed watching the morning
session of conference.
The talks were really good and all
themed on home centered learning
and reaching out to others in love.

When it was over, we sat out on the patio
for a bit and had a nice visit.
Then Mom made us a delicious little
S-helper salad.
Greens, full fat cottage cheese, sliced
peaches on the top.
Delicious and refreshing!
A slice of left over thin crust pizza.
And they had a cookie.
There was a beautiful breeze,
it was a lovely afternoon.

And then time for the afternoon session.
So back in we went.
Mom was working on her pretty grey 
sweater (it's all in one piece! No sewing!)
and I have been knocking out scrubbies.
She also started a washcloth that she
had me finish so I know the pattern.
However, I knit way looser than she does,
so it ended up looking like a kite instead
of a neat little square.
So I pulled my part out, went to smaller
needles and tried again.

*For future reference:
start with 4 stitches,
at the beginning of each row - 
K2, yarn over, K to the end of the row
increasing one stitch per row until there are 44.
Then at the beginning of each row -
K1, K2together, yarn over, K2, pull one over
decreasing one stitch per row until there are 4.
Bind off.

Once that was done, I went back to scrubbies.
And then I ran out of yarn.

Mom went for a nap and
Dad and I had a nice chat.
Then Mom got up and we had some yummy
cabbage rolls and crackers for dinner.

About 7, Reid and Nancy came by.
And, as always, there was lots of 
talking, laughing, you know the drill.

We left about 9,
they brought me to my little house,
and I watched old "When Comes the Heart"
episodes on Netflix and ate a couple
of jalapeno poppers I cooked in the
little toaster oven.


This morning I worked out,
I'm cooking okra in the little oven,
getting ready to fry a couple of eggs,
I've already done Holiday #1 T-Tapp workout,
I'll quick and eat and then I'm walking 
over to Nancy's to play with her horses
for a bit.