The day started "early" with me walking
over to Nancy's and then we headed down
to her barn to visit her horses.
Ace always has some aggression issues
when its time to eat, but this morning
he decided to take it up a notch and
reached out to bite Nancy.
So out to the arena he headed to do
some work.
She worked with him, then we put a
halter on him and I worked with him
a little bit and then she worked with
him again.
He's a smart horse!
And has a generally good attitude.
He was fun to play with!
Nancy got him to a really good place,
where he was being respectful
and really listening to what she wanted.
It was fun to pull out my old Parelli skills.
Andy and I haven't played in a LONG time!
Guess it's time to do it again.
We could both use the practice.
(And the exercise... lol)
Then we cleaned up, went over to visit with
Mom and Dad for a bit and then Nancy
had a nail appointment.
We were early, so we went to JoAnn's
to pick up some more yarn for the little
scrubby things Mom and I are knitting
for Rozann to give to all the sisters in
their ward. She is newly called to the RS Presidency
and they decided they wanted to visit everyone.
And bring them a little something.
So she needs 150 of them.
Then we headed to Nancy's nail place.
She treated me to my FIRST EVER pedicure!
It was VERY relaxing!
I could see doing it again.
Not often... but a couple times a year.
I decided to have FUN with it,
so they took off my red/orange polish.
And this is what I picked.
Kyle will be pleased.
He has tried to talk me into green polish
for YEARS and YEARS!
I even got the goofy flip flop things.
However, I couldn't walk in them.
They were 60 sizes bigger than my feet.
Nancy has been going there for about 15 years.
Everyone knows and loves her.
You can just see her there in the middle of the picture.
White shirt, white hair...
We next headed over to the mall where
Nancy had a couple of specific things she needed
to pick up before they all fly up to Victoria, BC
for Dad's sister Maxine's memorial service this weekend.
But we were walking by H&M and just "had"
to go in... just to see...
I found a couple of perfect blouses to teach in,
the BEST suit jacket,
and a new pair of workout leggings.
It should have been $158.
But there was a terrific sale and I got it
all for $100!
I only paid full price for one blouse,
and I was buying it anyway - it was the
perfect color.
And Nancy got a couple of excellent things as well.
Then it was off to the makeup counter where
Nancy got some really beautiful stuff.
Her skin really looked lovely!
And picked up a pretty black, wool dress
to wear to the service.
Then we dashed back to M&D's where
they were having Family Home Evening
with Rozann and Greg.
Nancy dropped me off and headed home.
I spent a lovely bit with them,
discussing Elder Holland's excellent talk from
the Saturday afternoon session.
Then Greg gave Dad a really nice blessing
for his medical procedure today and
we headed back home.
I curled up on my couch with my knitting,
a Lorenza (still my new favorite food)
and "When Calls the Heart" season 1 on the TV.
And then off to bed.
All in all, a lovely day!
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