Monday, April 29, 2019

Minnie Mouse

I taught over the weekend.
And meanwhile I caught Rod's cold.

I feel fine.
But I have laryngitis.
That was fun!

I had a really good group of students.
They got together and got me a
cute little container full of 
mini Snickers
and a giant Kiss candy.

(I guess they missed that part where
I mentioned I'd been sugar free
for about 5 years...

It was really nice of them, though.
They also all wrote nice things
in a card for me.
And they were very patient and understanding
about our "guest instructor".
(Minnie Mouse)

I ended up testing 16 people and 
12 of them passed!
That was GREAT!

While I was out of town,
Rod and Kyle went to the annual
tree sale in town.

We now have a loquat,
a peach,
an orange
and a lemon!

I'm excited!
They all look like healthy little trees.
(The peach was one they got 2 years
ago at the same sale - we nearly lost it
in a hurricane, but it's coming back...)

Beau helped dig the holes.

Today I'm just lazing around on the couch.
Resting my voice and my body.
And answering a gazillion texts from
students and instructors.

There's hope my voice will be back soon.
But it is quiet around here in the meantime.

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