Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Kyle headed up to the ranch yesterday.
He has an electrician coming today
to put electricity (lights!) in his shop.

We had a "cold" front blow through last night.

It's overcast, windy and chilly here.

The dogs are all wrestling each other in the yard.
The horses and cows were "bouncy" when
I went out to feed them.


Up north where Kyle is?

He sent me this text.

(The guy on the news just said the wind chill 
up there is THIRTY THREE!)

It's a short cold front though.
It should be back in the 70s again tomorrow.
Kyle needs to take down a bunch of fence today
so they can bring in a guy who is going to lease
that 40 acre pasture and plant it in peanuts.
So he's kind of happy that it cooled off.
Less fun doing stuff like that when it's in the 90s.

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