Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Huge Improvements

The BIG news is...
Kyle went back to work on Monday!

He is splitting his time between the
farm in town and the ranch up north.
The farm here in town has been
terribly neglected since he quit working 
on it regularly. There were 3 part time
guys working over there during the summer,
but there is very little evidence of it.

Which has added to Kyle's stress levels.

However, he has learned some great 
things through this period in his life.
And one of them is he can't be 
That's a tough one.
But he's got it.
I hope.

Meanwhile, we have been continuing
our "beach therapy".
It's so helpful for BOTH of us!

Yesterday we went down after he
worked for a couple of hours.

We made a new friend.

Maybe friend is too strong a word.
He didn't seem too happy with us.
His defenses were UP.
He was ready to fight if necessary.
And as we walked away, he kept his beady
little eyes on us until we were lost 
behind a dune.

He was pretty cool though!

There have been lots of visitors on our beaches
this season. And some of them leave things behind.

Can you picture the little girl who made this
sand unicorn?
There was something else nearby, but the
waves had already smoothed it out.
(See the difference in the sand above and below
the sculpture... the waves were coming ever
closer to this little guy!)

I am so happy to see the improvements
Kyle has made over the past week.
He is back to eating normally.
He lost a LOT of weight.
Close to 20 pounds.
But is looking much better than before.
He is able to laugh and joke.
And he is at peace.

I know he will continue to improve.
And I'm grateful.

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