I FIXED my pen!
Ok, so all I needed to do was get a battery.
But boy was I glad to get my buddy back!
Writing with your finger isn't a great idea...
And then...
I broke my phone.
Rod says there is just some dust or something
up in the hole where you stick the plug.
But I've tried and tried to blow it out
and it isn't fixing it.
I can plug it in and it will charge in my car.
But my car won't connect with it.
(NO PANDORA! Yikes!!!)
But none of my plugs inside the house will
even plug in enough to charge it.
Luckily Rod has one of those fancy wireless
charger thingies on the bed... so I CAN charge my phone.
But I gotta get this puppy fixed!
But today was busy.
And so was yesterday.
Well... and Monday.
Monday there was a MASSIVE Zoom outage.
I was out feeding the ducks (8:30) when Coach Lillian
texted me in a panic saying she couldn't connect
to Zoom, could I get on?
So I dashed up into the house and Nope... I couldn't
get logged in on any of the laptops in the house.
It was throwing all sorts of weird billing errors
and it actually looked like they didn't pay the bill!
Lillian was actually able to finally log in
using her personal account - but she can't access
the webinar information from there.
And then I was able to log in on my iPad,
but can't access the PowerPoint...
So I logged in as the host and then switched her
over to the host and she was in business!
And we were only 2 minutes late!
I stayed on with her while I did the dishes and
washed the kitchen floor and then sent 100+
emails to new students.
(Because she was on her personal account and
we weren't sure if it would kick her off after
40 minutes...)
We were all done at 1:00.
And Rod was on his way home from the ranch/butcher
with a little uHaul trailer full of feed and meat!
He pulled in about 2 - we unloaded the meat into
the garage and the feed into the barn and he headed
back to turn in the trailer.
People started showing up right away.
Ginger picked up her meat and then I
headed into the kitchen to unload our meat
into our chest freezer and then split one
of the quarters into 4 equal shares.
This is what a quarter beef looks like...
And these are the 4 mini-shares.
(Each horizontal row is a share...)
I also weighed and priced out all the organ
meat - tongue, heart, oxtail and liver.
People kept coming and picking up their meat
and then about 4:30 I left Rod with a family
(last folks to pick up)
and I ran to Chick Fil A to get some dinner.
Inhaled my dinner and headed to the
ZoomRoom to teach my 4+ hour review session
starting at 5:30.
Tuesday I got up and headed out to feed the
animals and water the garden.
It was a beautiful morning.
I was lazily watering the garden when I
pulled out my phone to check the time.
It was 9:30!!!!!
I had to be at work at 10!
World's fastest shower, dress and was only
a couple of minutes late.
Luckily they don't care.....
That meant no breakfast and nothing for lunch.
I grabbed a quick glass of almond milk with
some chocolate protein powder in it as I ran
out the door and nursed it for the morning.
Worked until 3:30 and then headed home.
Jumped into the ZoomRoom and did 2 hours
of emailing, then I had to teach a 2+ hour
orientation workshop.
My ZoomRoom buddy.
(The only chair he is allowed on...)
Rod went out while I was teaching and bought
himself some new shorts and work shoes and
stopped at the store for some fried chicken & sides.
When I finished teaching I ate some dinner.
And then I fell asleep on the couch.
I had set my alarm on my phone and woke up
at 2:15 to go outside and watch the 2:16 rocket launch.
But it got scrubbed until tonight!
Darn it.
Climbed in bed and lay there counting sheep
until 3:30 when Rod got up.
So I turned on the TV (and fell asleep... lol)
Today I cleaned the kitchen, did some
laundry, worked in the garden for a bit,
and then made plane and hotel reservations
for our family vacation next month.
I made the hotel reservations first
and then when I went to make the plane
reservations I discovered that our cancelled
tickets from last year EXPIRE the week BEFORE
our trip. (I thought they were good until October.)
So I bought the tickets (there were only 3 left
on one of our flights) and then cancelled all
the hotel reservations and made new ones.
And then it was back into the Zoom Room for
2 more hours of emailing!
Rod is in his office on a Zoom with the Elder's Quorum
and then we'll have the last of the fried chicken
and head off to bed!
Tomorrow (in case I don't get back on again)
I'm working an hour early so I can get off early.
I have a 2:00 team Zoom meeting with all the
instructors and our boss...
and then I need to do 2 MORE hours of emailing.
And I think Kyle is coming home.
Friday morning I'm teaching in the morning
and then Kyle and I are going to try to get the
rest of the raised beds into the garden and get
the last of his starts planted.
You can tell it's HUMID out there.
There is a rainbow and not a single raindrop
for several hundred miles.
(All the rain is being sucked up by Hurricane Laura...)
Thoughts and prayers to those guys tonight!
It sounds like its going to be rough!