Thursday, August 13, 2020


I was running around trying to feed everyone really
quickly last night... why??? I don't remember.
Oh yeah, Rod had an EQ meeting and then
we had an appointment for our Temple Recommend
meeting with a member of the Stake Presidency
and I wanted to make dinner first...
I ended up not though - so we ate late.

I was hurrying.
And I didn't get the rabbit hutch cage door closed
all the way.

This morning I went out to feed the critters
and noticed the rabbit door was open.

Bob - the fat, lazy male was hanging out
just munching on some breakfast pellets.

But Ethel is gone.

She might be hiding under the shed that is
next to their hutch.
Or under the hay ring that is on the other
side. Or ... a gazillion other places that
rabbits can easily hide.
Or she may have gone through the fence
and be LONG gone.

So I'll keep my eyes open for her...
but I'm not super hopeful.

I had to work, and I had to go in an hour
earlier than I usually do, so I didn't have 
much time to search for her.
I let the dogs out - but they routinely walk
past wild rabbits and don't even notice them.

Sorry Ethel!
(You can just see her in the background - 
she's black with pretty silver tips on her fur...)

Guess it's time to take another picture of the
baby chickens!
They are all grown up now!
And living part time downstairs with the ducks.
(Who are also huge.)
(And LOUD!!!)

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