Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wednesday Already???

 I've been working this week.

I taught a 4 hour review Monday morning and
then spent a couple of hours emailing a bunch
of online students who have scheduled their
state exam, but have not yet been to our review Zoom.

Tuesday I worked at the town for 6 hours
and then while I was cooking dinner, 
I got a phone call that nobody had started the
evening Orientation Workshop on Zoom,
so I hopped on real fast and taught until 9.

This morning I hopped on the 4 hour review
as a "student" (incognito - "Beth") and just 
listened and watched while I emailed another
hundred online students.


I was going to go outside and mow the grass,
but I hear it is POURING out there just now.
And I don't like to cut wet grass...

So maybe later.

Sorry - no pictures today.
There's nothing to see... (grin)

Just as I was finishing up at 1:00, my phone
went NUTS! I got a phone call from a dear
Sister from the ward looking for information about
good clean vegetables to purchase,
Linda texted me about the gate latches I use on 
all my gates - I bought her one and she loved it
and wants to order a bunch more,
then Dan (my boss) sent an ANGRY text about
WHY he didn't know anything about last night's
Orientation issue (luckily Lillian - the scheduled coach -
emailed him last night and took the brunt of his anger...)
and Rod texted to tell me an update about some of
the folks we are selling our latest beef to.

Like all at the same time!!!
Oh, and the instructor I was watching figured out 
it was me and was talking to me live on the Zoom!


Now it's just me and Beau - who is SNORING away
here in the Zoom Room.
So it's time to grab some lunch and move on to the
next activity.


I meant to say THANK YOU to Mom for the multitudes
of wonderful little notes I've been getting in the mail!
It has been such fun!
And YESTERDAY in the midst of all the busyness...
I got her latest book!
I can't wait to sit and read it!!!

You are the BEST!

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