Tuesday, December 1, 2020

And then it was DECEMBER!

 This year has     D R A G G E D   on and on and on and on.

And now its nearly OVER!
How did THAT happen???

Kyle picked up a quick 3 hour job today.
So he is happy.
(Gave 'em a discount since there were
no trees to mulch, just bushes...)
Always nice to grab a job on the 
first day of the month!

When I left you yesterday, it was to go
do a bunch of freezer cooking.

We have chili, lasagna, and beef stroganoff!
(It was chilly in the house and I was feeling
like "winter" food...)

The freezer is nice and full again!

I spent the day at the town.
I need to go over again tomorrow for a couple of
hours - there is a webinar on the new e-811 system.
Hopefully the webinar will clear it all up.
And we are working on a project due 12/30.
I'd like to get it submitted by the 15th.
Which means I have a LOT to do!
We did 433 building permits in the fiscal year.
(Not bad for a little bitty town!)
However, 187 of them are still open!
And a good number of those shouldn't be open.
I closed about 15 today...
but I have a LONG way to go to get the rest
of them up to snuff.

It's a sweet little town with lovely people working there.
But none of them are all that gung-ho about the rules.
We have a new "interim" Town Manager - for the year
while the real Town Manager is off protecting the
Southern Texas border. She came from Palm Bay where
she was the City Manager for 20 years.
She KNOWS her stuff.
And she is dragging us, sometimes kicking and screaming,
into the compliance arena.
Between the two of us, they don't quite know what hit them.

My first couple of weeks there I spent catching up on the
monthly reports that go to the County Property Appraiser's
office - they hadn't been done since early 2018!
(November's was due today, and DONE today... took about
20 minutes. No excuse for not doing them on time!)

So far I am enjoying being there.
I spend lots of time digging through old, useless
papers, scanning the ones we need and then shredding
them, or just pitching the ones we don't.
It feels GOOD!
There are fewer piles and boxes every week.
(We got TWO boxes emptied today! And I take
the empties AWAY, right away, so they don't just
get filled up again... my co-worker is a packrat.)

I taught my Tuesday evening Zoom.
I had a recent record 8 students!
Last week I had 1.
And she was from Georgia!

Hit or miss...
Feast or famine....
But always fun.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Read your last 3 posts. Such fun!