Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 I have been cold all day!!!

This evening I did a 2 hour Zoom.
It was COLD in my zoom room.
Florida is having a "chilly snap".
Yeah, right!
It's COLD!

I had a big blanket wrapped around my legs
and then when I was done and started
to do all my admin stuff I have to do
at the end of a class,
I remembered I have a SPACE HEATER!

So I plugged it in and stuck it under my desk to 
warm my frozen feet and eventually seep up
towards my fingers and nose.

And then Rod brought me a bowl of ice cream.



No pictures today.
I worked at the Town
and then dashed to the grocery store
with Kyle, he unloaded and put the
groceries away while I quickly fed all
the animals, made a quick dinner
and hit the Zoom Room.

No time for photos.
(Oh, and we created Kyle's first REAL
invoice and emailed it to a customer he
did some work for over the weekend...)
(All the rest of his jobs have been cash...)

So there's that!

It's been a busy week and its only Tuesday.
(But I've thought it was Wednesday
most of the day...)

Stay warm!

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