Thursday, January 20, 2022


 It appears Kyle did NOT get the carrot gene from me.

We got ACTUAL carrots!

Kyle's thumb for comparison.

And they are DELICIOUS!

Speaking of which, we are still having lots of
fun with our freeze dryer.

Earlier this week we did a load of green beans.
All those gazillion green beans from our garden
that don't actually taste very good frozen.

Turns out they are pretty yummy when
freeze dried! Kind of like a bean flavored
veggie straw. Without the fat and calories and
extra ingredient ick......
Lots of fun to munch on.
(As long as you remember to DRINK lots too!)

And then this morning I finished a load
I took a bunch to the Town with me and
handed them out with abandon.
EVERYBODY loved them.
They were really tasty!
And weird.
And fun.

As soon as I pulled them out, I defrosted
the machine and put in another load of peaches.
I still have two big tubs of frozen peaches in the freezer.

And then I want to try to do celery.
I buy celery.
I use one or two stalks.
I throw away the celery.
(once I discover its slimy gross carcass in the
veggie drawer of the fridge...)
It would be wonderful to just grab a jar
of freeze dried celery, pull out what I need,
add some water (or just add it to the recipe and
let it reconstitute as it cooks) and PRESTO!

It's fun!

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