Friday, January 14, 2022

Peaches, Corn, Strawberries

 So far,
that's what we have done in the new
Harvest Right.
(It's the same machine as Gary and Lisa...)

Dehydrators make things leathery and gooey.
Freeze driers make things into styrofoam.
But dehydrated stuff can't really go back to the way
it was before....
and freeze dried CAN be re-constituted.
Just add water.
It goes back to EXACTLY like it was!

One of the coolest ones is EGGS.
In the spring when my girls are laying like
crazy and I have dozens and dozens of 
cartons of eggs on the table,
I can crack and stir them (raw) and
then pour them on to the tray,
freeze dry them and they turn into egg powder.

Then when I want to use them, just add water
and they go right back to slippery, slimy, RAW eggs!
Perfect for omelets, scrambling and baking!
It's kind of amazing!

Yesterday I did a load of frozen corn.
I just bought 10 bags of frozen corn from Walmart
and then put them in the machine overnight.
They are now little styrofoam nuggets that taste
just like CORN!
They are fun to just grab a hand full and pop in your mouth.
They are also EXCELLENT on top of my salad.
And, of course, I can add water and they are ready
to heat and serve with dinner!

I took some strawberries to work yesterday
and everybody LOVED them.
The flavor is INTENSE.

The peaches (because of the high moisture content)
are going to take a long time.
Like the strawberries did.
I put them in last night about 6.
They are just about "finished" but I'm going to
add 6-12 hours extra drying time just to be sure.
It's an option on the machine.
I'll use my moisture meter and check to make
sure they have 0% moisture, but I'm pretty
sure they are going to require some extra time.
That's fine.
They say you can't OVER dry something.
You can't go less than 0%.
But you CAN under dry.
If you package something that still has moisture,
it will mold and ruin the whole package.
Not worth the risk!

But I'm excited to taste them!
We have that whole 50 pounds of peaches we
bought earlier in the year from the Peach Truck.
I'd love to free up all that space in the freezer!

So, anyhow....
that's the state of affairs around here.
Kyle is off on a job.
Rod finished his annual license renewal class and
has headed off to work.
I just finished teaching my morning class.

We are all doing much better.
Although my chest is still a little tight.
I think I got a tiny glimpse of what Mom deals
with on a regular basis.
My heart was racing / beating irregularly and 
WOW no energy!
I was a little worried because they say a-fib is
sometimes a side benefit (ha) of covid.
But luckily its reversing itself.
But boy does it make me more empathetic to
what you are going through!
I can't imagine living like that day after day,
year after year, decade after decade.
I'm so proud of you for the positive outlook
you continue to display despite it!!!


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