Saturday, October 1, 2022

Clean Up Begins

 The guys got up EARLY and headed out.
Loaded with Kyle's Cat and the grapple.

They were supposed to meet at the church
at 5:30 and then headed south west to
a town about an hour from Sebring.

There they encountered a 150 year old oak
that had fallen over.

This is PART of one limb!
I think Kyle's Cat has finally met it's match.

THIS is what Kyle loves to do.
He has an unhealthy excitement when
a big ol' hurricane is announced.
Especially when it's not TOO far away.

He did mention it seems they are often on
hurricane recovery during Oct Conference weekend.

Several years ago they sat with their feet in the
ocean in Key West while listening to the Sat evening
session after spending the day serving others
helping the recovery after their hurricane.

And now they find themselves again,
likely gathering this evening - although not
on a beach - listening to conference.

It is a unique opportunity.
And they are blessed because of it.

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