Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom!

 Today is my beloved Mom's birthday!

She looked so beautiful that night!
And I took several pictures.
And in every. single. one. she is making
a silly face.
So I won't post them here.... lol
You're welcome.
Happy Birthday.

This birthday marks the end of another
trip around the sun. 
And what a trip it was!!!
She and Dad got to take a plane trip to Butte.
(Something I think they were INCREDIBLY brave
to be doing... that's a little bit of a scary landing!)
Had a lovely visit with her sister, Aunt Karen.

She got to spend lots of time up in the mountains
in Pine Top - what a wonderful place that is!

She played the piano every day! (almost)
A record I just can't seem to achieve.

She is loved by her many many family members
both there in Tucson AND around the world!
She has made lasting friendships with the people 
in their little community.
People who had likely never spoken with each other
until she introduced them to tea parties and 
fun neighborhood get-togethers and even
just door step drop-offs and visits.

She has continued the many lasting friendships
she has made in their ward.
Despite the year(s) of being quarantined and
unable to get out - that didn't stop Mom!
Finding and spreading light and laughter 
and friendship and love is what she is all about.

They have made friends everywhere they go.

Whether its at home or abroad.
They count friends they made in Winipeg,
London and Salt Lake while serving.

(No we don't "only" eat when I visit....)
(But we DO eat..... lol.)

My Mom is such an example of pure love.
Free from judgement, 
freely given.

And now that I am serving as a Relief Society President,
I am so grateful for her experience and knowledge!
I look to her more than she knows.
The conversations we held over the years,
the example she set,
these are the things I draw on to help me
as I learn to serve - hopefully half as well as she.

She will always be my guiding light.

I love you Mom!

Happy Birthday!

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