Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Little Robin Red Breast

 Guess what I saw today?????
The first of the GIANT flocks of
robins that fly through our neighborhood
in late January and early February.

I zoomed in as much as I could without scaring her away.
Her sisters will show up here shortly.
There are often 50-100 robins in the front yard at a time!
And when we go walking in the woods, 
it feels like you are in the movie "The Birds".
They are LOUD!
But so pretty, it's ok.

It took me many years of living in Florida to
recognize that just because you saw a robin
it doesn't mean it is spring.
(Although today it was 85!!!)
We have another "cold" front coming through
this weekend and it will be in the low 70's.
Oh no! So cold! (grin)

This weekend I'll be teaching in Ormond Beach
again - well, not teaching, but observing 
my newest instructor, Tyrone.

I have to teach the Friday night zoom, but I also
have to be in Ormond Beach, so I guess I'll
either teach it from my hotel room or
maybe I'll go to the school and teach from there.
Neither one has very good wifi though.

Happy Fake Spring!

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