Friday, February 10, 2023

Teaching and Other Stuff

 It's been a busy week with lots of diversity.
I've traveled.
I've taught.
I've shopped.
I've gone to the beach.
I've helped a sister in the ward get her house
ready for sale so she can down-size.
I've worked at the town.

It has been a busy week!
But I'm enjoying life these days.
The weather has been glorious.
Although both times we went to the beach
this week it was CHILLY!
(A nice breeze coming off the ocean,
but the ocean temp is only in the 60's!)
(And then the sun goes behind a cloud
and we start to SHIVER....)
(Yes, we are pansies...)

Kyle pulled a random carrot and it was really good!
(And then he felt bad that he pulled it...)

It's not like he doesn't have LOTS though... this is the skimpiest
bed and I think he has 3.5 beds of carrots...

The peas are doing well.
Unfortunately this is a different kind of pea and they
are only yummy when they are EARLY.
Like way too small to pick.
By the time they are the right size, they 
don't have much flavor...

Oh well. Live and learn.

I'm finished zoom teaching for the next two weeks.
I'm teaching in Tampa next weekend, so I can't be
in both places.
I teach the zoom class the first two weeks each month
and then the other coach takes the last two weeks.
Works well.

I'm looking forward to the little break.

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