Monday, April 29, 2024

Happy Heart

 We brought some plants home from WaKeeney.

We had to repot the herbs.
They were getting too big for their store pots.
And the pots are ugly.

They are sitting right outside the patio doors
and they just make me happy 
every time I look out or walk by.

We have had some "cool" evenings with a nice breeze
so we have been taking Beau for a walk in the woods.
(It's 1.54 miles according to MapMyWalk)

At the end of the walk he gets a well deserved
dip in the lake. Which it appears he loves.
Despite the vet telling me Frenchies don't like water.

We had a couple of good open houses over the weekend.
It was our realtor's birthday on Sunday. She had a luncheon
with her old flight attendant friends on Saturday so she
came over late - just as we were ending.
And then another couple showed up like 7pm!
But we showed them around anyway.

And then on Sunday we went to church, came home
to eat some lunch and prep for the open house
and here came a couple up from Ft. Lauderdale.
So we tucked our lunch out of sight and 
showed them the house / property.
We had several couples come up from 
down south who seemed interested.
We'll see...

I baked some chocolate chip cookies towards
the end of the open house since I knew
the realtor was going to stop by and I
don't have anything to make a cake with.

And this morning I'm doing laundry,
gave Rod a haircut and I'm making
a loaf of bread.
And doing paperwork for last week's class.

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