Friday, May 31, 2024

Welcome to KANSAS!

  Oh my goodness,

And we are so happy to be here!
(Well, Beau, not so much... but Kyle
and I are VERY happy!)

Ok, I only have a minute, 
but let's see what I can tell you quickly.

We woke up about 2 hours away (at a Love's
truck stop) and it looked like a big
rain storm was coming, so we 
hurried and got on the road to miss it.

It rained, but it wasn't a big problem.
Just a nice rain.

Made it to Russell (the town before Hays)
and pulled in to use the rest room,
chat with Soni on the phone
and then headed west to Hays.
Waved but kept driving.
On to WaKeeney!

Got to the house and Beau was SO EXCITED
to get to run around off leash!
Of course, our new hardwood floors
are a little bit like an ice rink.
Think Bambi on the pond.
Legs going everywhere, 
slipping and sliding.
But he didn't care.

We unloaded the stuff from our trucks
and then put up his crate, filled it with
his favorite toy and a bed
and locked him in.
(Poor Beau)

Then we headed out to the farm.
(We kind of decided to call it the farm
instead of the ranch. Not enough land
and no animals... not really a "ranch".)

Well, my blog server is acting up.
So I'll have to finish this later.
I need to start my class for this evening.

But anyway... we are here, we are safe,
and we are HAPPY!!!!!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Ok, Signing Off

 I am once again, packing up my computers
and in the morning Kyle and I will be
heading North.

Let's get there, safely,
with no hiccups,
and all in one piece!

We'll see ya on the other side!

Happy Memorial Day

 Thank you to all who served and sacrificed.
Both service member and their families.
I think we sometimes forget the 
families who offer so much to allow the
members to serve.

in other news...
Rod sold the golf cart on Saturday.

Turns out, while really fun, it wasn't
beefy enough for what we will need.
And someone was happy to pay $200 more
than what we paid.
Sold it in an hour.

Then we had a very lack-luster open house.
The theme continued on Sunday.

This morning we had a couple of gentlemen
come by - they were from South Florida and
seemed pretty interested.

Then Kyle and I went and bought new 
bedspreads for the beds.

More neutral.

Less teenaged college student.

And then we had another couple come by.
They also seemed pretty interested.

And then another couple came and bought 
our dining room table.

Looks a little different in there.

But hey, they saw it, they loved it, they offered cash.

We will probably re-stage it as an office.
And make the back bedroom a bedroom again.

Someone just pulled in.
Gotta go sell a house.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Getting Ready

 Kyle has the trailer all fixed.

We "could" leave tomorrow, but don't really want
to drive in the Memorial Day weekend traffic.
And there is some weather between here and there
that I would be happy to avoid.

So we plan to leave Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, we heard from the City that our lawn
was seriously overgrown.
So I spoke with our realtor, who has several
clients who got the same letter.
She made arrangements with someone local
to take care of the lawns.
We paid and they did a really nice job.

With all the rain it's looking nice and green!
(In the driveway is the pile of new shingles
for the roof - they are supposed to be putting
on the roof and gutters soon...)

Considering the backyard is mostly weeds,
it looks pretty good too!

Can't wait to get there!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New Bearings

 Kyle has been having difficulty getting
the parts he needs to fix his trailer.

He ordered some from a company, but
it was the wrong part. Rod, the parts guy,
got on the phone and got the right part.
But it wasn't in stock.

The ship date keeps moving further and further
out into the distant future.
So yesterday they took the bull by the horns
and they called the manufacturer direct.

Found a dealer in Ocala.
Bought the parts, and jumped in the truck
and headed north.
(They offered to ship them, but the trailer
is physically about 30 miles from the store...)

Yesterday they did a quick trip up to buy
all the parts, then over to Linda's to install
the new bearings, etc etc etc.
But, as Kyle kind of suspected, the axle
was damaged.
So he is going to need a new axle.

They loaded up and drove it home,
arriving around 1:00 this morning.

And now, if they can find an axle, 
we might be making another quick trip.

But we will not be heading to Kansas
anytime soon.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Never Say Never Again

 It was a WINDY day at the beach today!

But I'll take whatever it offers these last few times.
(We were getting sand blasted, so my legs
are pretty well covered in sand...)

When we parked the truck and headed over,
a guy was just loading up and said we shouldn't
bother. He sat on the beach for a few minutes
but said he felt like a breaded chicken cutlet.

So we went just to be obstinate.
And yes, we were a little breaded.
But it was still glorious.

We enjoyed watching the crabs running
around trying to find something to eat.
These pictures make it look like the beach
was COVERED in shells, but it was just
this little spot in front of us.

Friday, May 17, 2024


 Boy, oh boy, I wish I had the freeze dryer here!

(Well, not really since I'm probably leaving
before they are ripe.....)

But for the past 2 years we haven't gotten
any mangos from our tree.
We had a late frost both years and it took
them out.

But THIS year.....

The big tree is LOADED!
The leaves look a little sad, but that's to be expected.
It's putting all its energy into the fruit.

The don't come in until about mid/end July.

Watch for squirrel activity!

When they get close, the squirrels start taking a single bite
out of them and if they aren't ready then they leave them.
But once they are ripe, you'll start losing mangos at 
an alarming rate. So I go out and pick them all and spread
them out on the big table and let them ripen and then
freeze dry them.

Even our baby tree is looking good!

We have had rain 3 times this week and this
little guy has really taken off!
He has grown a foot in the past week.
And there are still 3 mangos hanging on there.
It "was" covered in blossoms, but there
were only 3 fruit that made it.

I always take the new prospective owners out there
and give them the routine.

I guess this year we will just have to buy our
mangos from Sams. (Like we have for the
past 2 years anyway...)

Thursday, May 16, 2024


 Well, we got some really nice rain.
But no tornadoes, no hail, no damaging wind.
Just lovely, much needed, rain.

To celebrate, we took Luna out 
into the woods for a walk.
The poor girl has been locked in her
crate for almost a week.
And she still has a week to go.
She is supposed to ONLY do leash walks
for 14 days following surgery,
but Kyle has been letting her out in
the back yard a couple times each day.
We just aren't letting her into the dog yard
where she lays in the dirt.

The trails were slightly damp
but no mud.
And she was SO HAPPY!
She doesn't have great social skills
so we were also happy to not meet anybody
else out there on the trails.

It was good to get out of the house
and into the green.
So we came home and sat on the patio.

I baked some cinnamon raisin bread
and made a meatloaf for dinner.
Both were yummy!

Parts are slowly arriving.........
and we are anxious to head north again.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

City Dogs and Tornadoes

 Since our dogs are going to be
city dogs (temporarily), they have
to be registered with the town.
And that means they have to have
their rabies shots.

Poor kids!

Since we will be here for at least another week,
we went ahead and made an appointment
for Beau (the final hold-out) to get his
next Thursday morning.

When we got home yesterday from the store,
Kyle's new tires were waiting for him at
the front gate. More parts should start
trickling in today and tomorrow.
And then the rest should be early next week. 

Then the guys can drive up there and hopefully
get it all fixed, bring it back here and put
on the new tires, load up and we
can try this again.
(Keeping an eye on the weather...)

Of course, we are currently under a tornado
warning this morning.
In Malabar.
People forget we get them here as well...

The skies are grey.
I'm just hoping we get some rain.
It rained yesterday while we were out
and you can't believe the difference 
in the grass!
It was all crunchy and brown and
August looking.
Immediately after the rain it is gorgeous!
We water it, but you just can't beat
the REAL stuff.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Aaaaand, We're Back.

 The adventure continues.

We got up and left a little behind schedule
on Saturday. Not bad. I was hoping to leave
around 8 and I think we pulled out a little
bit after 9:00.

Headed north with my new prescription
sunglasses - everything was so crisp and clear!
(But the depth perception is off... I feel like
I'm 10 feet tall and driving a semi...)

We stopped at the first rest area just after
Titusville and checked the straps and everything
looked good.
Drove through Jacksonville, headed to Tallahassee
and the next Love's station.
And then I started seeing what looked like
dust or maybe smoke from Kyle's right rear.
I called and he said he thought he cut a tire.

So he pulled over.
Climbed under, and then came running back
to me to grab some bottles of water.
Something back there was on fire.
After about 6 or 7 bottles of water he got
it mostly out, still smoking and smoldering,
but no actual burning.

Looked like he lost the bearings in the wheel.
And a bunch of mechanical words I didn't understand.

We were about 3 miles from the next exit
where there were a couple of service stations,
so we creeped along at 4 mph, stopping now
and again to put more water on it,
and finally made it to a service station.

It was pretty small though, so we crept back
out onto the road and up a little to a larger
Sunoco station. 
Still fairly small, but they were using the
back as a place to drop and exchange
semi trailers, so there was a fair sized 
parking lot.

Rod got on google and found a mobile
mechanic who works on trucks and trailers.
He said he had just repacked the bearings on
another trailer this week, so he came on over.

I never spoke with him, but he seemed to
be a nice guy - he did a bunch of stuff
and then left and came back with his welder
and did a bunch of other cutting and banging
and stuff. (Mechanical stuff I didn't understand...)
Had a buddy come and bring him more stuff.
Went and bought some parts.
Did some more stuff...

Six hours later he said he couldn't fix it.
I'm not sure who was more discouraged.
Probably him.
Anyhow, he and Kyle chained the axle to
the trailer and with his blessing we 
limped along about 45 mph on back roads
the 58 miles to Linda's ranch.
Got there about 10:30 and dropped the
trailer - unloaded the Cat - and left it all,
hopefully out of the way, in the big yard
until Kyle can get all the stuff he needs.
He and Rod will drive back up there and fix it
probably next week. I think the last part
is supposed to be here next Monday.


We left Linda's, made it to the Loves just
before you get on the highway,
and pulled in there and bedded down for the night.
Beau was up and walking around until
about 2:30. Which is kind of annoying
when I'm trying to sleep in the drivers seat,
he is supposed to be sleeping in the 
passenger seat, but he's climbing back and
forth between the front and back seat
over and over and over.
He finally settled down and we slept until
about 5:30. I got up and took him out,
then we napped until 6:30 when Kyle
was up and ready to head south.

We got here about 11:30 Sunday morning.
Took a nap, and then got ready for another
day of open house.
Oh, while we were waiting for the mechanic,
Rod texted that he had LOTS of people
looking at the house on Saturday,
and then the A/C quit.

This morning I went to get my new glasses
adjusted (they corrected for an astigmatism 
that it appears I don't really have...??? more 
words I don't really understand...)
Anyhow. While I was there, an old customer
from the motorcycle shop days sent his guy
out, put in a new capacitor in the A/C 
for $70 and it is good as new.
My new, updated glasses will be in
either later today or tomorrow.
But I have to teach tonight, so I won't go
get them until tomorrow anyway.

We have an appointment to show the house
Tuesday at 2. Her Mom was here on Saturday
and did a FaceTime walking tour with her.
She is driving up from Ft. Lauderdale to see it.
Fingers crossed!

And I just got off the phone with the home owners
insurance people for WaKeeney and changed it
from a vacant property policy to a replacement
value policy. She was very apologetic that Kansas
just implemented a new wind/hail deductible,
and the price was going to be $155.96 per month.
I tried not to laugh at that.
We have a 5% of the value of the property
deductible for wind storm damage here.
And my payment is over $7,000 a year.
So..... I'm thrilled.

Now I'm going to go make dog food,
and maybe some raisin bread.

Hope Mothers Day was lovely for all!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Last Day

 I spent the day saying "this is the last time
I will ......"

Last red toes on the beach.

Last Big Island Burrito 
on the beach.
(Or anywhere else... lol)
It was the best we ever had!

Jim and Sabrina came over just before I
started my Zoom so we got to say Goodbye
and hugs and tears and all the things.
(And NO, I forgot to take a picture!!!)

And then I taught my last class from here.

And now I need to put the clean sheets on the bed
and pack up my computers and get the truck
all packed and ready for us to leave in the morning.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

I guess there are solar storms out there,
but they seem to be hitting France and the UK.
Connie Henrie put a post on FB about the
northern lights being visible all the way
to the Dakotas tonight!!!

And, instead of the usual green, there are a 
ton of pictures all over Instagram from folks
over there.

They are PINK!
That's unreal!

As long as that's as weird as it gets,
I'll be happy.

Meanwhile, we will be on the road,
I make no promises for phone calls.
But I'll be thinking of you all!
I hope I'm the only horrid daughter out there.

See ya from Kansas Y'all!

Wrapping it Up

 We spent yesterday doing a bunch of errands
and stuff that needs to get done before we leave.

Luna (Kyle's Rotty) went in to be spayed.
And I went in to get new driving and reading glasses.
Rod has a bunch of $ on a medical card and
since he hasn't worked there for more than
3 years, it's use it or lose it.
So I got 2 new pairs of glasses.
A pair of prescription distance sunglasses for
driving (handy for this weekend... lol) 
and updated my readers.

We took Rod with us to WalMart to show him
the easy, delicious frozen foods I found that
I think he will be happy to make and eat
for the next couple of weeks while we
wait for the house to sell.

As we were checking out, Kyle said
"I feel like we are dropping our kid off
at college!"  He has such a sharp wit!
I'm so torn.
I need to go up north and help Kyle get
the garden in the ground.
But I feel like I also need to be here to
take care of my darling husband!
I know he is perfectly capable of taking
care of himself and the house and the dogs,
but still! That's MY job.

Kyle is loaded and ready to go.

His Cat, water wagon, and all the extra implements.

I'm trying to organize the things I need to
take (not much since I'll be driving the 
Ranger and it has a small backseat, so I
won't be sleeping back there, I'll just push
the drivers seat back and sleep there
like I did when we drove out last year.)
That means I need to keep it pretty clear 
behind my seat. So I can put stuff on the
floor and behind the passenger sear,
but Beau is coming with us so he will be
sitting in the passenger seat, so I can't
pile a bunch of stuff there either.

All I REALLY need to take ns my computers
and office stuff, my clothes (there aren't many)
and the Instant Pot.
Rod won't use it, and I certainly will.
We will leave the microwave and good
toaster oven as well as the dishes, pots
and pans that are still here.
He DOES need to still eat, and he can
cook when he wants / needs to.

I think we might borrow Reid's brilliant idea
and modify our living room couch into a 
two-seater loveseat. I like the couch,
it's still fairly new and comfortable.
And I don't want to have to buy a new one!
But, of course, it will depend on how much
room they have. Rod still has lots of BIG
tool boxes and tools that he needs to take,
as well as the giant lawnmower and
two dog crates for the dogs. (We are leaving
Bandit and Luna here with him.)

That's what the plans look like today.
But, as always, they are likely to change
at any given moment as situations change.

Rod is doing some minor repairs to some rusty
parts in the barn. They went through and painted
all the steel supports but then found a couple
that needed some extra attention.
So he's on that.

I'll miss our barn.
I spent many many happy hours out there.
Making chicken feed.
Playing with our horses.
Just sitting and listening to the quiet of a barn.

The brand new mango right outside CJ's stall
has THREE mangos for its first harvest.
I've been watering it and watching them grow.

The other mango is covered this year. 
We didn't get a harvest for the previous 2 years
since we had late frosts both years.
But this looks to be a bumper crop for the new people.
We haven't had ANY rain in several weeks, so 
Kyle has been watering the yards.
But the barn isn't one of the designated 
watering spots, so the grass here is looking
pretty sad.
Right now, he is cleaning the Ranger for me.
(So I can get it all dirty again...)
Nothing like living in a truck for 2.5 days,
with a dog.

I'll probably talk to you next from 
our cute little house in WaKeeney!
The weather looks quiet for this weekend,
so we are going to grab this open window
and hop through it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Spring Has Sprung!

 This morning I was looking at the calendar
and thinking there aren't really any holidays
this month... I wonder what little ditty Mom 
is going to crochet for this month?

And low and behold when I went out to the
mailbox.... see what I found!

An adorable little butterfly with a 
fun note!

That is PERFECT!
(And I LOVE butterflies!)

Kyle and I are going to head to WaKeeney 
on Saturday morning and I will have a little
blue butterfly hanging from my rearview mirror.
(And a dog in my passenger seat...)

Monday, May 6, 2024

Off Grid Water System

 It may be a while before we can get
a new well dug for Kyle's side of the property.

But we have a perfectly adequate well.
Just need a way to get the water to him.

Enter Buffaloe ingenuity.

First he built himself a trailer.
Welded it all together while I was teaching
Friday evening.
Got it all painted as well.

Then they looked for an IBC tote.
Found one about an hour+ north of us.
The same place Jim got his.
They called and asked if they could drive up
and get one. The people said they were there
now but leaving in an hour to run down to Malabar.
So they delivered it right to him!
And he got right to work.

There was only one part he couldn't pick up at Northern Tool.
So he had to wait for it to arrive from Amazon.

There is room on the front for his generator.

He and Jim did some brainstorming and came up
with a great design! Instead of ball valves and clamps
and hoses here and there and everywhere,
they did a simple Y splitter.

The right hand rigid hose goes into the stock tank
and the pump sucks water out and then the green hose
goes up and fills the tote.

Then when he get to his house or the garden
(wherever he needs water) he flips the switches
and the left white rigid hose sucks water out
of the tote and the black hose goes where he needs water.

He hooked up our sprinkler and got better water
pressure than with it hooked to our house well!

It looks like it's going to be a perfect solution.
Well played Kyle!

Friday, May 3, 2024


 There's not much happening here on the home front.

Kyle and Rod went out to... do something.
They didn't say where they were going.

Kyle is going to get one of those big square
plastic IBC tote things you put liquid in.
(Jim has one on a trailer that he uses
when he pressure washes...)

Kyle is going to get one, and a small
trailer and an RV pump so that he
can fill it up at the water trough
and then run it over to the garden to
water the garden, but also so he will
have water in his house until we can
get him electricity and a well of his own.

So they are probably working on that.


I'm baking bread.

But I have also been reading books like
it's going out of style!
Kindle says I have read 45 books so far this year!

I found an author who wrote good mysteries
from the point of view of the FBI.
But the more of them I read, they darker
and darker the content got until I was
half-way through one and decided
that it was time I moved on to something else.
But I couldn't find anything I wanted to read,
so I switched from Kindle Unlimited
to the Deseretbook app called Bookshelf.
I've read 3 books so far from there,
so I guess my total for the year is 48.

Unfortunately, since I stopped using my
Kindle app I messed up my reading streak.
I've read for 201 weeks in a row and hadn't missed
a day in over 100 days.
I'm back at 1 day today.
(I read a recipe in my Trim Healthy cookbook
that I keep a digital copy of on the app.)


The book I'm reading right now is called
The Ties That Bind and it's about a man
who is determined to find his family and kind
of gets excited about genealogy without realizing
that's what he is doing.

But back to zucchini.

It's Halloween in the story and he is giving
out candy to the kids that come to the door.
He is complaining that some of the kids are 
WAAY too old to be trick-or-treating.
And his wife says, "When someone older than
12 came to our door, Dad used to give them a
zucchini instead of candy since they had lots
left from their garden."

I thought that was HILARIOUS and I can't wait
for Halloween in WaKeeney!

We are having another open house this weekend.
Heard from our realtor this morning that a couple
we met last weekend is coming back with 
their own realtor this weekend.
That's good, right?

The showing we had the other day was a bust.
The guy didn't speak much English 
and didn't even come inside,
He wanted the property to run a business.
The realtor didn't elaborate on what kind of business.
But whatever it was, it wasn't something that
is allowed in our zoning of rural residential.

Oh well.

Fingers crossed and constant prayers.
When its right, it will happen.
Meanwhile, our house has never been so clean.