Friday, May 10, 2024

Last Day

 I spent the day saying "this is the last time
I will ......"

Last red toes on the beach.

Last Big Island Burrito 
on the beach.
(Or anywhere else... lol)
It was the best we ever had!

Jim and Sabrina came over just before I
started my Zoom so we got to say Goodbye
and hugs and tears and all the things.
(And NO, I forgot to take a picture!!!)

And then I taught my last class from here.

And now I need to put the clean sheets on the bed
and pack up my computers and get the truck
all packed and ready for us to leave in the morning.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

I guess there are solar storms out there,
but they seem to be hitting France and the UK.
Connie Henrie put a post on FB about the
northern lights being visible all the way
to the Dakotas tonight!!!

And, instead of the usual green, there are a 
ton of pictures all over Instagram from folks
over there.

They are PINK!
That's unreal!

As long as that's as weird as it gets,
I'll be happy.

Meanwhile, we will be on the road,
I make no promises for phone calls.
But I'll be thinking of you all!
I hope I'm the only horrid daughter out there.

See ya from Kansas Y'all!

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