Friday, May 10, 2024

Wrapping it Up

 We spent yesterday doing a bunch of errands
and stuff that needs to get done before we leave.

Luna (Kyle's Rotty) went in to be spayed.
And I went in to get new driving and reading glasses.
Rod has a bunch of $ on a medical card and
since he hasn't worked there for more than
3 years, it's use it or lose it.
So I got 2 new pairs of glasses.
A pair of prescription distance sunglasses for
driving (handy for this weekend... lol) 
and updated my readers.

We took Rod with us to WalMart to show him
the easy, delicious frozen foods I found that
I think he will be happy to make and eat
for the next couple of weeks while we
wait for the house to sell.

As we were checking out, Kyle said
"I feel like we are dropping our kid off
at college!"  He has such a sharp wit!
I'm so torn.
I need to go up north and help Kyle get
the garden in the ground.
But I feel like I also need to be here to
take care of my darling husband!
I know he is perfectly capable of taking
care of himself and the house and the dogs,
but still! That's MY job.

Kyle is loaded and ready to go.

His Cat, water wagon, and all the extra implements.

I'm trying to organize the things I need to
take (not much since I'll be driving the 
Ranger and it has a small backseat, so I
won't be sleeping back there, I'll just push
the drivers seat back and sleep there
like I did when we drove out last year.)
That means I need to keep it pretty clear 
behind my seat. So I can put stuff on the
floor and behind the passenger sear,
but Beau is coming with us so he will be
sitting in the passenger seat, so I can't
pile a bunch of stuff there either.

All I REALLY need to take ns my computers
and office stuff, my clothes (there aren't many)
and the Instant Pot.
Rod won't use it, and I certainly will.
We will leave the microwave and good
toaster oven as well as the dishes, pots
and pans that are still here.
He DOES need to still eat, and he can
cook when he wants / needs to.

I think we might borrow Reid's brilliant idea
and modify our living room couch into a 
two-seater loveseat. I like the couch,
it's still fairly new and comfortable.
And I don't want to have to buy a new one!
But, of course, it will depend on how much
room they have. Rod still has lots of BIG
tool boxes and tools that he needs to take,
as well as the giant lawnmower and
two dog crates for the dogs. (We are leaving
Bandit and Luna here with him.)

That's what the plans look like today.
But, as always, they are likely to change
at any given moment as situations change.

Rod is doing some minor repairs to some rusty
parts in the barn. They went through and painted
all the steel supports but then found a couple
that needed some extra attention.
So he's on that.

I'll miss our barn.
I spent many many happy hours out there.
Making chicken feed.
Playing with our horses.
Just sitting and listening to the quiet of a barn.

The brand new mango right outside CJ's stall
has THREE mangos for its first harvest.
I've been watering it and watching them grow.

The other mango is covered this year. 
We didn't get a harvest for the previous 2 years
since we had late frosts both years.
But this looks to be a bumper crop for the new people.
We haven't had ANY rain in several weeks, so 
Kyle has been watering the yards.
But the barn isn't one of the designated 
watering spots, so the grass here is looking
pretty sad.
Right now, he is cleaning the Ranger for me.
(So I can get it all dirty again...)
Nothing like living in a truck for 2.5 days,
with a dog.

I'll probably talk to you next from 
our cute little house in WaKeeney!
The weather looks quiet for this weekend,
so we are going to grab this open window
and hop through it.

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