Snow, snow, snow, SNOW!
(I sang it, did you?)
About the time I finished teaching the morning
class yesterday, it started to snow.
Originally it was raining, then those little
tiny styrofoam balls
and then it turned into big fluffy flakes.
It was easiest to see on the truck.
As the day went by, it started to finally
stick to the grass.
Kyle let the dogs out.
(And discovered it was fun to EAT...)
Bandit thought it was a blast!
(Beau, however, was not terribly impressed...)
Of course, what is the first, wet, snow without
throwing snowballs?
Rod went outside and they tossed a couple
snow balls at each other
(and me, at the window...)
until their hands (no gloves) got cold.
(They HAVE gloves, just didn't have them on... silly boys.)
We got a good layer.
It gets more wind in the front (no fences)
so it didn't stick as well,
but it was definitely beautiful!
Reminded me of one of my earliest memories.
I remember the brown couch (with the weird texture)
was up again the big picture windows.
I was leaned up against the back, looking out
the window, staying quiet because Rozann
was taking a nap.
Mom was in the kitchen - doing something...
and there was "easy listening" on the radio.
And I was BORED.
(Dr's office music ALWAYS gave me that
melancholy, winter afternoon, nothing to do feeling.)
Thank goodness I finally learned to READ!
It quit snowing about 3:00-ish.
I had to teach again in the evening,
but after class I just had to take a picture of the
beautiful lights reflecting off the snow.
It's warming up to the 40's today,
so it won't last.
But it was only 18 this morning and still
only 27, so it's still beautiful.
Welcome winter!
(It's going to be in the high 50's next
week, so this is just a "sneak peak"...)
PS - I'm watching one of my favorite
Canadian YouTubers and she just mentioned
they are having a postal strike up there!
So glad none of us are still there.
It's the perfect time for THEM to go on
strike - but sure inconvenient for
everybody else who lives there.......
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