Thursday, January 30, 2025

Another Load

 Just got back from another Home Depot
run... we "think" this is the final
big purchase...

That's all the drywall for his house,
concrete board for in his shower,
flooring for his house,
and the materials needed to build a 
small shed for his water system outside.
(Since I veto-ed a new well for his site...
the quote came in at just under $20k. NOPE.)

He's headed out to the farm so he and Rod
can off-load it all and at least get the
drywall into the house, since they are
predicting rain overnight.
It's drywall, Mom. Not wet wall. 

While we were there, we found the perfect
new fridge for Jim's tiny house.

That thing is TINY!
(He has a fridge he's bringing with him...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is so smolllll!!! ๐Ÿ˜♥️S