Saturday, January 25, 2025

Blanket of Many Colors

After I finished Kyle's blanket for his bed,
I had a little yarn leftover.
So I made a blanket for Kyle to use while
watching tv.
It wasn't very pretty, and it turned out 
REALLY narrow and long.
He didn't love it.
He hung it over the back of his chair,
but he never used it.
Just sat there in his hoodie and froze.

So... the other day I started to undo it
and crocheted a new blanket for him
using that yarn and the other leftovers
I had from other projects.

It has lots of different color combinations,
but it's wide, and its soft, and he likes it...
(and it's warm...)
Glad to have all those little bits and bobs of
extra yarn being used for something 
rather than just hanging around in a basket...

Meawhile the guys have been at the farm today.

Got the panel mostly done and everything wired in.
yesterday they got the heat pump unit installed
outside. Kyle has a picture, but forgot to send it to me.

Things are moving forward.
Next... drywall!
He said this morning he needs 95 sheets.
So Monday he'll hook up his big flat trailer
and head into Hays to Home Depot and pick it up.
And then we will learn another new skill.



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