Hey, welcome to WINTER!
Looks like we might get some snow,
tomorrow and Wednesday.
And then again on the weekend.
Unfortunately, we are supposed to be driving
to Springfield, MO tomorrow.
Looks like it will hold off until late Tuesday night.
And then be yucky on Wednesday.
But the hotel and meeting venue are within a few
miles of each other, so hopefully it will be ok.
And then it should be ok for traveling home on Thursday.
It looks like heavy rain on Tuesday for Jim coming
up from Florida... but hopefully the sleet will
hold off until he is already there.
It's an 18 hour drive.
I suggested he leave today and get most of
the driving done and get to Springfield earlier on Tues.
But I don't know what his schedule looks like
or if that's even an option.
But he'll make the wisest choice.
We are looking forward to MOVING FORWARD and
getting this done!
Yesterday Kyle and I went to the property and
measured and marked where the barn needs to go.
It's a HUGE chunk of the property, but most of it
is just fenced off pasture for the chickens.
The blue thing in the middle is the barn.
It's big.
But not as big as the entire thing.
And we still have about 90 acres left to use for
cattle, pigs, etc.
It's down in the valley, which isn't ideal,
but it's the only place it will fit.
And I like that it's kind of "out of sight".
Not that anybody drives down our road...
but you know.
It just means Kyle will need to do quite a bit of
dirt work to fit it in there and not have
rain run-off be a problem.
But if anybody can do it, he can!
However, its perfectly situated for the well!
(Just worked out that way...)
The well is the little white spot next to the "N"
next to the top right yellow star.
So the barn is on the existing "road" from the well.
So more dirt work for the barn, but almost no
dirt work for the road. And it's relatively close
to the existing power pole, so not tooooo much $
to bring power up to the well and barn.
I just finished teaching the morning class.
Now I'm running to Hays to get food for Rod
for this week while he's alone.
And snacks for us on the road.
And then back to teach tonight's class.
Have a fun Monday!
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