Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Glad We Are Home

 We got about 2.5 to 3 inches of snow overnight.

It's beautiful. 
And there is almost no wind,
so even though its only 11 out there,
it's not THAT cold.

I bundled up in my pretty tweed wool coat,
my pretty colorful scarf,
a neck gator (lined with "fur")
and a hat.
Oh, and my lined boots and gloves.

I swept off the truck and did 2 passes 
down the driveway and the front porch.

Only my fingers were chilly from holding
the metal shovel.
(Why don't they make them with wood 
handles anymore???)

it was chilly, but I was toasty warm.
And now all the sidewalks, driveway
and vehicles are cleaned off.
The snowploughs have been by
several times already.
And most of the neighbors are out
doing their snow removal too.
(or their kids are...)

So all is well here in our white world.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Wow... pretty!!! Kind of a change from Florida eh?