I called Mom yesterday morning and shared
the NEWS with her...
and Rozann, Nancy and Sondra already knew...
but I forgot to update the rest of y'all!
(ugh, don't you hate it when people say that???)
Gotta remedy that now.
Sondra and I are BOTH
We are arriving on April 4 about 10:30 in the morning.
And we are staying until April 8 and not leaving until
about 4:30 in the afternoon!
(Which means no "middle of the night" flights!)
(THANK YOU REID for taking me!)
That's just a short month away!
I'm working on getting subs for my classes on Mon & Fri.
I'm SO looking forward to it!
(And Rozann said her casita [my FAVORITE PLACE] is
all spruced up and ready for visitors!)
Nancy and Reid have an amazing casita.
It's like staying in a 5 star resort.
I love it, I feel pampered!
Rozann and Greg have an adorable casita and when
I stay in it I feel like I'm in a playhouse!
I don't know... I just love it. It feels like home to me.
Besides all that... yesterday I made some beef bone broth
in the pressure cooker. I wasn't super impressed.
When we used to get our steers butchered, we got
BONES. These guys packaged up a hunk of meat with
a little round bone in the center and called it a soup bone.
We'll need to have a conversation before our next order.
I put a gallon (almost) of whole milk in the crockpot
and made some fresh yogurt.
It made a full crock of nice, tangy yogurt.
I didn't strain it, Kyle doesn't care for greek yogurt.
(And my yogurt strainer is............?)
Kyle prefers flavored yogurt (he is working on a gut issue from
taking oil of oregano daily for several weeks...)
So we have a small tub of watermelon/limeade,
a large tub of plain, a berry blue and a strawberry.
The watermelon was a "TrueLime" drink mix.
The others are just flavored jello.
We'll see how it works out after it's been in the fridge
for a bit and set up some.
It was a little runny for my preference, but I can always
strain a small amount for me if I want.
It felt good to get back to making yogurt.
And the SAVINGS!!!
A gallon of whole milk was just about $4.
Each container of yogurt (Walmart brand) is
about $5. So about $18 worth of yogurt for $4.
Not bad!
And it's SOOOOO easy!
*Yes Sabrina, EASY!
In a crockpot (you have one...) dump a gallon of whole milk.
Turn it on LOW and set a timer for 2.5 hours. (This works perfectly
if you do it right as soon as you get home from work...)
When the timer goes off, unplug it and set a timer for 3 hours.
Just before bed (when the timer goes off) stir in a small tub
of store bought, plain yogurt. (I used Chobani this time.)
Wrap the whole thing up in a big bath towel.
In the morning, you have YOGURT!
The longer it sits, the tangier it gets. I started mine
about 11:30 yesterday morning, so it sat wrapped from 5 last night
until about 8:30 this morning so it's good and tangy.
We got some pretty good winds yesterday.
And then about noon it started snowing and snowed all day.
We ended up with a light dusting. It will all melt today.
The guys are headed to the farm.
(Kyle's shoulder is feeling better and he has SERIOUS
cabin fever!)
I'm heading into Hays for groceries.
It's Linger Longer this weekend after church and the
theme this month is sandwiches. I signed up for
lettuce, tomatoes and cheese slices.
So I need to pick those up.
And we need salad.
So... Happy Wednesday everybody!
1 comment:
That's awesome news!!!♥️♥️♥️
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