Monday, March 3, 2025

New Habit!

 I'm starting a new habit!

I'm going to call and chat with Mom EVERY TUESDAY MORNING
at 8:30 Tucson time.
(That's 9:30 WaKeeney time, for those who are wondering...
like ME..... lol.)

Sondra and I have been chatting 
I remember chatting with her when I was working
in Melbourne at MIMA.
That's been FOREVER ago.

It's a good thing to look forward to.
(And if she doesn't call, Kyle reminds me that 
she doesn't love me anymore... lol.)
(Soni doesn't read my blog... ha!)

I'm looking forward to chatting!
I mostly write my blog for Mom.
(It started for fun, then morphed into a way
to stay in touch with Rod while he was on the road,
but Mom has been my most consistent reader.)

But, there's just something about an actual
VOICE chat.

And.......  tomorrow I have NEWS!!!

Cliff Hanger.

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with a fun picture.

The boys found a long lost cousin.

The weather was warm, but it was windy here today,
so it felt cooler than it really was.
Tomorrow they are predicting WIND.
(65 - 75 mph... mild hurricane winds...)
Should be fun.

Kyle was "home sick" today.
He did drywall all last week and stressed the muscles
in his left shoulder. And then he tried to stretch it
out and felt it go POP.

So... now it's heating pads, massages, and lots and 
lots of comfrey and arnica.
And fingers crossed it gets better quickly, 
because he REALLY wants to finish his house!

But it was good to take a day off.
(or two... or three... or whatever it takes.)


Anonymous said...

I need the NEWS!!! 😁♥️S

Anonymous said...

I need the NEWS!!! 😁♥️S