Seems like suddenly life has hit the FAST lane.
On Tuesday, when Kyle had a migraine,
I took him to the store with me,
and then we stopped by the Town Hall
so I could drop off my latest typing
project and the invoice.
While there, Debby (Town Clerk)
told me Dorothy, secty
is going to be out starting Wednesday
and running through the following
Wednesday. Would I be interested
in covering for her???
Sounded like fun.
They had a "small project"
I could do while I was there...
Dorothy only works part time
and Deb said she know I have a lot
of stuff going on, I could pick my
own hours. Mostly they just needed
somebody to answer the phones
so they didn't have to keep
interrupting what they were doing.
I said Sure!
Wed. morning bright and early,
ok, 10:30 (hahaha) I showed up
at Town Hall. (Hey! I have stuff
to DO in the mornings...)
Deb showed me how to use the
phones and left me to it.
They have two bookshelves there in
the front office (first thing citizens see
when they visit) that looks like a mish mash
of three ring binders.
Deb is a little OCD and really likes
things to be uniform, neat, tidy and
easy for everyone to use.
We ordered a bunch more white binders,
I made up a master so all the spines look
the same, and made a front cover sheet
for all of them.
(Terrible picture... the town logo is
under that glare...)
It looks a TON better now!
I worked on that all day Wed,
but ran out of books after only two shelves.
Deb gave me some typing
to do for her. (She said she would pay
both hourly to have me in the office
AND my regular "per page" rate for any
typing she had me do...)
The new books came in after lunch,
so it was back to the books.
This morning I took all the books off the
shelves and rearranged them giving us
an extra shelf to store more items.
And then I did some more typing.
I'm going back again next week for
a couple of days.
Nobody is quite sure when Dorothy is
coming back, maybe Wednesday?
Maybe Thursday?
We'll see.
I finished the first shelf.
I have another box of books and
a full bookshelf left to work on.
And there is ALWAYS more typing.
I'm having FUN.
And it's temporary.
(I'm typing this from my hotel bed,
while watching the finale of
Master Chef Junior.)
Master Chef Junior.)
I'm training another instructor this
weekend on the new eRoster system...
Hopefully it all goes smoothly.
Normally they have an instructor do a
class with a mentor (what I did in Miami)
and then run a class on their own,
and THEN move on to training another
instructor. But we skipped the middle step.
I was sure I could do it.
Hope I was right!
(Looking at my bracelet with the
engraved words "What If You Could?")
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