Friday, May 11, 2018


Maybe its because we own a graphics company
but I'm very aware of graphics I see on
the backs of vehicles on the road.

Sometime you just can't read them at all.

Sometimes they are pretty funny!

Sometimes they don't make any sense.

Years ago I followed a guy whose
graphics were advertising


I actually followed him into a 
parking lot and offered to fix
it for him for free.
Cuz what does that say about
you and your company???
(His friend did it for him and they
had already put tinting over it,
so it would be a THING to fix it...)
Poor guy.

Today on my way home from 
running some errands,
there was a guy in the next lane
over whose graphic said

got mack?


What on earth does that mean?

And then I smiled.
Cuz I've got "Mack".
That's my darling's middle name.

I don't know what the graphic meant...
but it made me grin.

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