Monday, May 7, 2018

Story Worth - What were your favorite toys as a child?

What were your favorite toys as a child?

I remember getting Chatty Cathy
from Santa. And the challenge
poor Mom and Dad had explaining
WHY Santa left her BOX in the
kitchen next to the fridge (where
the box of powdered milk usually sat...)

I loved my Chatty Cathy.
Pull her string (in her back) and she
would say all sorts of things.
She was a fun doll.

And I loved my Francie doll.
Skipper was Barbie's little sister.
Francie was her cousin.
Grandma Hanna made her a bunch
of really nice clothes
and Aunt Karen tole painted an old
round topped lunch box for me to
keep her and her clothes in.

Mom had some ceramic horse statues
that were just the right size for
Francie to ride on...
we had many great imaginary rides
across the countryside together.

I also LOVED Janie Sander's
little playhouse in her backyard.
Before she moved, we spent
hours and hours and hours
playing in that little playhouse
and avoiding Reef, her giant
Newfoundland dog.
He was SIX FEET TALL on his 
hind legs and although he loved
his little girls, 
we were terrified he would eat us.

My favorite "toys" though, would have
to be my library books.
A new one every couple of days
from the school library and the book mobile.
I was always a voracious reader.
Still am today...

(I've finished TWO books so far this weekend...)
(I'm "in" class, but you gotta do SOMETHING
to keep your brain engaged...)

There were lots and lots of toys.
I remember spending hours setting
up the little plastic doll house furniture
Mom used to have from her childhood.
(I think they were her's...)
We didn't have a doll house, so we
just had an "open concept" house
LONG before it was popular on Fixer Upper.

Roller skates in the basement.
Swing set in the backyard.
The little brown shed made a great playhouse.
Hopscotch on the front sidewalk...

And although not a "toy",
we certainly  all "played"
the piano for at least 30 minutes
EVERY day.

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