Saturday, July 18, 2020

Busy Week!

You know how you get to the end
of a week and think Whew! 
That was BUSY!

And then you look back and can't think
of what all you did all week that
made you so busy?


That was my week.

But I DID accomplish a bunch of stuff.

I spent a couple of hours in the waiting
room at the local lab for a 4 minute
blood workup in preparation for next
week's checkup.

I spent LOTS of time on the phone
with my boss about teaching stuff.
Some of it was even productive.

I actually got a "new" job.
I am now officially the 
Town Building Dept Assistant Clerk.
I'll work at the town on Tues and Thurs
for 5 hours each.
We'll see how that goes...

I got a new project - the company randomly
picks 12 brand new people (draws their names
literally from a hat) and they win an all 
expenses POSH trip.
In the event the trip is cancelled, they 
get a $5,000 check.
One of the people this time was from Florida.
So my job was to take her from brand new
to licensed before October 11.

And then another phone call to say never mind.
Turns out she speaks NO english.
Oops... sorry - can't help with that one.

We had a new young couple from our ward
stop by on Thursday evening to introduce
themselves and we showed them the farm.
He grew up in Alaska and she in Kansas.
They are really nice, with a cute little girl
and another on the way.
They offered to take care of the farm for
us when we go on vacation.
That will be nice, she was pre-vet before they
got married and moved, and he lived on a 300
acre farm in Alaska and is just finishing up
his time in the Army Reserves.

And I cooked, and cleaned, and did laundry,
and mowed the yard, 
and took care of the animals...
Just the normal stuff that keeps me busy.

And, of course, the guys are still working
on the trailer. No pictures because the stuff
they are doing isn't easily seen.
Wiring harnesses and hinges and the like.

The mangos must be close to ripe because
every squirrel in the county has been
hanging (literally) in the tree and
munching on them.

I just missed the squirrel... he was hanging upside
down having a lovely breakfast.

Nope, not ripe enough yet.

This one isn't either...

So last night Kyle and I harvested all of them.

You pick the high ones and I'll pick the low ones.
And I'll fill my bucket before you!
(hahahaha - did you SING along?)

So now they are spread all over the kitchen table
until they get ripe.
(The squirrels got more than half... we'll have to
pick them sooner next year...)

Kyle's flowers are doing really well!
So I leave you with some.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

NICE Mango tree! And nice butt Kyle! ha ha
Pretty flowers as well - he's quite a green thumbed dude!