Saturday, July 11, 2020

Excited About Beef!

The countdown is on for the steers.
They have an appointment for
"freezer camp"
on August 2.

This morning Rod got a text from one
of his friends / customers.

Please show the cows their fancy new vacation home!

To which Rod replied...

We are nearly finished the new motorhome
to take them on vacation...

Silly men!

Looking good though, eh?
Kyle says there are still a gazillion
little things that have to be done before
it is road worthy.

And right now he has one of the ranch's
side-by-sides on the patio.
Fabricating a new bed for it.
He fixed the broken wheel, but as long as 
he has it down here he needed to do
something about the totally rusted out
and therefore mostly useless bed.

As always, its going to be great.
But it takes a lot of work.

He finished just as I went out to take a picture.

Its all loaded up and ready to go back to the ranch.

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