Thursday, July 30, 2020


Who picks these names?????
The news people were all struggling
this morning with how to pronounce
the name of our latest storm.

Looks like we'll have a big rain maker
over the weekend.

Since we are delivering the cows on Sunday.

Yesterday, Allison from our slaughter house
sent me a text confirming we were still on.
I asked if we could bring them Saturday
instead, since Sunday looks like a weather day.
She said sure. Just bring a bale of hay for
them to eat over the weekend.
So tomorrow I'll go pick up a small
square bale.

Today I'm working at the Town.

Yesterday I put a coat of Thompson's 
Water Seal on the wood floor in the trailer.
It looks good and should protect it.
We'll probably drag the rubber mats out
of Andy's stall and put them in there too
so it's not so slippery.
(They came from the old horse trailer originally...)
The new trailer is a little bigger, but they
should be good enough.

And this morning we began the day
watching the Atlas V heavy launch to Mars!
It was a beautiful blue sky and a
gorgeous launch.


Kyle has baby plants!

No peppers yet, but some of his tomatoes are
showing little baby sprouts!
They are all leaning to the right because he
had the tray up on the patio to protect it from the
torrential rain we got last night.
They were stretccching over towards the sunlight.
He moved them out to the garden for a couple
of hours this morning.
He's taking today off since he worked LATE
last night and has to work on Saturday.
(Getting another giant wood delivery...
sometime between 8am and 8pm. REALLY???)

They popped up overnight.
There are 338 little individual spaces and
he put a seed in each one.
So we will have LOTS of extras.
(Hello... Jim!)

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