Monday, December 21, 2020

Newest Project

 You know the guys can't sit still.

And their latest project is a doozy!

With Andy gone, Kyle took down his stall,
filled in the floor (he was a digger...)
and took up the floor across the aisle
from the old feed room.
Then he had to wait for Rod for the next part.

Taking a lunch break with an audience.

They got the new floor all put down.

Come on Dad! Drop something!

The busy workers.

Shadow sitting on my foot so I don't sneak off...
(And Roxie NEVER holds still...)

Measure twice, cut once!

Gratuitous picture of the gifts under the tree...

Next they took the wall down between the stall and the feed room
making one GIANT feed room!

With space for the kayaks on one wall,
all 8 barrels and steel cans full of feed...
Shelves... you name it!

They are going to put up a wall on the aisle side
and also on the outside facing the house
(and put in a plexiglass window)
to keep the weather out.

I'm excited!!!!!
And they did almost all of it using scrap
and reusing material!
So smart!

Rod is going to order some more steel so it will
match the rest of the barn...
but for now, this is GREAT!


1 comment:

rktucson said...

VERY nice! Great to have "handy men" around the house right?!