Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Hello Fresh

 Kyle gets tired of chicken and rice and broccoli.
(He teases me that's all I ever cook...)
(He's wrong. Sometimes I do green beans.)

I got a coupon for 9 free meals over 5 weekly boxes
from Hello Fresh with something else I ordered...
so he decided to give it a try.

His first box arrived yesterday.

Notice the pretty bowl with oranges in it!

It came with lots and lots of food.
(He bought the "feeds 2" box...)

He decided to try an Apricot Chicken dish.
He spent about 35 - 40 minutes cooking.

And ended up with a beautiful plate!

He said the rice with almonds was a little bland.
The carrots were nice and spicy
and he LOVED the apricot chicken.

Enough that we are going to try to 
replicate the apricot sauce.
He ate a plate for dinner and saved
the rest for lunch today.
Said it was still yummy as a leftover.

I made myself an egg salad sandwich with
half an apple and some cheddar cheese
and a piece of fudge for desert.
It was yummy!
I made double and took the other one
for lunch at work today.

Tonight he is having? Not sure...
but I'll have him take a picture when he decides.
I'm supposed to be Zooming at 6:30
so I'll make something before then.

Breakfast this morning was half a banana 
and a big mug of DELICIOUS hot chocolate
made with some Cacao powder, vanilla paste,
heavy cream and almond milk.
I'll probably make Rod and I each a mug 
when I come out of the Zoom Room tonight
before we head off to bed.
There's a "cool" front here this week.
Perfect Hot Chocolate weather!

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