Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year, New Stuff

 It's the first Monday of the New Year!

I'm happy to report I'm sticking with
my "goals" (new habits?) so far...

This year my "word" is Accountability.
To that end, I got a new little book,
just like the little book I bought when I was
in Boulder with Nancy.
Except this one has a black cover.

I found it really helpful to leave on the
end table next to my chair so I could write
my To Do list for each day and check
things off as I completed them.
I didn't do it EVERY day...
but it seemed to work better than any other
system I've used since I retired.
(I used a small calendar that I kept in my
desk at work and that worked really well...
but now I don't have the same "routine" I did
when I was sitting at my desk for 8 hours every day...)


So far I've exercised and done my CFM study
every day (except I take Sunday off of exercising).

Also, starting this morning, I am back to sitting
in my Zoom Room for a couple of hours,
reaching out to past / future students.
This time I'm both texting and emailing them.
I'm "supposed" to be phoning each one...
but in my experience, NOBODY answers the phone
if its a unknown number (me included) so I 
decided this would be more effective.

It takes more brain power than when I did it last.
I have a list of students who are using the
online course - some of them have no 
state exam date.
Some of them have an exam date in the future.
And some of them have an exam date that has passed.
So I have several different messages.
Which means I have to actually THINK about which
email / text to send them.

It's going slowly.
But it's going.
And they are paying me.

I have a YouTube playing on my other screen
so I don't get TOO bored.

We are having a slight "cool" front this week.
It was in the 80's over the weekend,
but this week the forecasted high is in the 60's.
That's better for our cool weather crops.
Mostly the peas!

But I'm such a wimp, it's a bit chilly for me!
However, Rozann and Greg sent me some
yummy Bomba merino wool socks that I'm
wearing inside my boots this morning.
So my feet are nice and toasty warm!
As long as my feet are warm, the rest of me
seems to be warmer too!

(I've gotten spoiled now that I'm not sitting in my
FREEZING cold office every day!)
Instead I'm in my home office,
You Tube playing off to the side
and Beau SNORING across the room.
(And Kyle sitting in the gold chair on his phone...)


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