Thursday, January 14, 2021

Popping In

 Just finished my Thursday evening 
Orientation Zoom.

This has been a WEEK!

It's nearly over...
not that I'm rushing it.
I've been enjoying being busy.
That's for sure!

Luckily, Kyle decided to experiment
with Hello Fresh this week and last.
He got a nice big box of food and recipes
on Monday and has been making yummy (smelling)
dinners every night.
(While I'm locked in my Zoom Room... smelling them!)
He bought the "2 serving" program so he can have
one for dinner and the other for lunch the next day.

He's learning to cook some good stuff!
And I don't have to worry about feeding him.
Of course, Rod already has his lunches and
dinners in the freezer, so its just me.
And since I've been teaching every night I've
been keeping it simple.
Eggs and toast?
Eggs and hashbrowns?
Tonight I had the other half of a Subway sub
I ordered at lunch today at work...


We got treated to a GORGEOUS sunset this evening!
(Luckily on Tues and Thurs I don't start until 6:30
so I get to SEE the sunset!)

As always it's not HALF as beautiful as it was in person.
The reds were the deepest, darkest reds I think
I have ever seen!
It's like the world is in turmoil right now,
so Heavenly Father is treating us to some
spectacular beauty to help calm the storm.
It was LOVELY!

On another note, the garden is doing well still.
We have been eating fresh peas.
(Mostly IN the garden...)
Tonight I came home from work about 4:30,
dashed out to let the chickens out and as I
passed the garden there were 4 RIPE peas 
kind of poking out of the fence, just ASKING
to be harvested.
So I obliged them and stuck them in my pocket.
Then I had to run to WalMart to get some dog food
since we were OUT.
I also bought a hand of bananas for our lunches
but in my haste - left them in my cart.

On the drive home I remembered my pocket stash!
It was a nice little treat!

Somebody ELSE has been enjoying our garden.

That MONSTER is called a horn worm.
He has a little horn on his tail end.
They glow in the dark, so we usually go out 
after dark with our little black light flashlights
and check for hornworms.
(They can eat an entire tomato plant over night...)
But it's been cold at night lately, so we thought
the danger was over.

Kyle found this one in the morning so that night
we were armed with our lights (and hats and scarves)
and found TWO MORE giant ones.


I guess we have to keep checking.

Just wanted to pop in for a jiff.
I still need to send emails etc tonight...
that's all the news that's fit to print!


1 comment:

rktucson said...

We would get those in our tomato plants too! Little (some not so little) buggers!