Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 Yesterday was our hottest day of the year so far.

I know.....
You Arizonians are laughing at me right now.
But 107 is still pretty hot.
When we went to the farm, we left the AC on 84
so Beau would be ok.
(I don't usually turn it on until about 4:30 
when the house finally starts getting sun
through the front window and it gets hot...)

It was nice to come back to a cool house.

And then it died.

Started making a funny noise and stopped 
cooling the air in the house.

So I jumped online and submitted a service request
with our home warranty company.
Got a quick phone call back from the AC guy who
said he doesn't service WaKeeney.
The disadvantage of a small town.


This morning he called me again and started with
"We never spoke". (grin)
He said he is the only AC guy in our neck of the woods
and I am nearly 2 hours from him so he just can't.
But I need to call the company and tell them it's an
emergency situation. I'm ... whatever.
Sick, Old, whatever.
So I did.
And they said they would do their best to find
me a contractor.

He said, they will try for 48 hours and then they
have to give up and I then find my own.
The guy I hire has to get an authorization from the
insurance company and then he bills me and I
get reimbursed from the insurance company.
Sounds like a pain in the neck.


The contract says they HAVE to repair it.
And if they can't they HAVE to REPLACE it.
So I'm willing to go through the gymnastics.

But in the meantime, its a little toasty.

Beau and I have been wearing damp kitchen towels
all day - he let me put it on him like a cape
and wore it happily nearly all day.

Then when Kyle got home he moved the new
window shaker from the garage into my office
so I could teach this evening.
It's LOUD.
But cool.

Meanwhile, this morning while it was still
only 67 degrees out (and in)
I processed the mangos.

I now have 6 large bags of mangos in the deep freeze.
Waiting for winter.
It's too hot in the garage to run the freeze dryer.
(which is why we bought the AC unit, but there is no
insulation in the roof or the garage door and it just
couldn't do the job....)
Kyle priced it out and it would be $1200 to fix up the
garage the right way.
So maybe in the future... but definitely NOT now.

Monday, July 29, 2024

New Gate

 We got a LITTLE rain overnight.
And today it was SUPER windy.
So this morning we hung around until
our electrician came and put in a different
plug for my freeze dryer and also fixed
the 220 outlet he put in for Kyle's welder.

And then we went out to the farm
and put in a new gate!

We had an old barbed wire gate.
You know the ones, where you have to pull it up
to the post and them put another wire around the
post to hold it up.
It was hard to do and not a lot of fun.

Kyle hooked up his digger and dug two holes.
One for the post to chain it to when its closed.
And one for the post to chain it to when its open.
(since it's pretty windy....)


Also we picked 4 more really nice zucchini.
And there are several yellow squash that will be ready
a little later in the week.

And then we came home and we both ended
up taking a nap - and then I taught and he
went into Hays to do some shopping.

Now I'm done teaching and it's time for a
bite of dinner and some TV before bed.


Sunday, July 28, 2024


Yesterday we had our FIRST Farmer's Market.

We didn't have much to sell. 
But we brought what we had.
And we sold 11 zucchini and all 2 yellow squash.
So it was a good day.

There were several people and most
at least chatted and several bought something.
It's not a "huge" market.
There were 6 or 7 vendors.
The man that is kind of "in charge" has a 
good following and so lots of people pulled 
in, went straight to his table and bought what
they needed and left again.

But as we build up our produce and get
a little more known, I'm confident we will
also build a customer base.


After the market, we went home and grabbed
a bite to eat and then headed out to the farm
to see if there was anything we needed to pick.
But also, on Friday I had to teach a double,
so Kyle went to the farm by himself.
He did TONS of weeding and hoe-ing
and then came home and picked up his 
lawn mower and went back and mowed
in between all the rows and along all the edges.

So I was anxious to get out there and see
how good it looked.

Here's what it looked like earlier in the week.

And here is what it looked like on Saturday.
Notice anything missing?
It's hard to tell, in fact I didn't notice it
at first either.

Yes, the grass is gone.
But so is ALL THE CORN.
The neighbor's cows got out sometime between
Friday evening when Kyle left and Saturday
afternoon when we came out.
There were cow tracks everywhere.
And NO corn.
They ate every single stalk.
Right down to the ground.

So.... yeah.
At least that relieves us of making the decision to
focus on watering what IS growing and just
letting the corn do its thing or trying to 
keep watering it at the expense of everything else.

I'm kind of sad, we are pretty sure it wasn't
going to do anything, but there was that little chance.

But on the other hand,
everything is very nice and neat now.

And they didn't mess with anything except the corn
and all the grass around the garden.
(And they bit one zucchini in half but I guess
it's not their favorite flavor because they left
the other half on the plant...)


We will just focus our efforts on the squash
(which is looking really good)
and the okra (which is coming along)
and the beans (which the grasshoppers appear
to really love to eat).

I got called to teach the 5-6 year olds in Primary.
And Kyle got called to teach the 4-5s.
(It's an all boy class, they already have 2 Dads
in there, but they wanted another man...)

This afternoon we are just going to relax.
Maybe take a nap.

Tomorrow I have the electrician coming to fix
the plug so I can use my freeze dryer.
(Oh, we also picked that up from storage on 
Saturday and brought it here, but I can't use it
yet because the plug is wrong...)
He's also going to see what's wrong with the wiring
and plug he installed for Kyle's welder.
It isn't drawing enough power to run his welder.
He still had to pull out the dryer and plug it
in there when he was doing some repairs a couple
of weeks ago.


That's the plan.
Have a LOVELY Sunday!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Oops! Yup, He's HERE!

 And we are BUSY!
He got home about 8:45 Wed night.
We chatted, ate some food and hit the bed.

Then Thursday morning I made him get up
"early" and we went out to the farm to
let him check it out.
We did a BUNCH of weeding and hoeing.
He had a new old fashioned reel mower delivered.
(remember those? Not electric, it just has
a metal blade that whirs around and makes a
very distinctive sound while it cuts grass.)

We played with it in the backyard.
And then took it to the farm.
Where it was overwhelmed by the weeds.
It will be a perfect "maintenance" tool...
but he is bringing home his big trailer today
and going back with his riding mower
(it stays here at the house) and giving everything
a good haircut. Then we can use the little
guy to keep it looking good.

Also he will pick some more zucchini and
I think there are 3 or 4 yellow squash.

We picked 3 more nice looking ones yesterday.

I had to teach this morning and again this evening.


After the farm we came home for a BLT and a nap
for both of us... (he was exhausted after his drive)
which went REALLY WELL thank you everybody!

His little VW gets 47.8 mpg!
So he only stopped for fuel 4 times.
However, sleeping in the hatchback was not
a super fun activity.
Oh, and, the AC quit several years ago.
So it was HOT!
(And his left arm and left side of his face

So.... a nice cool shower and a nap was in order.
Then a run into Hays to WalMart because he
His Nestle Quik Chocolate Milk mix.
Can't have THAT!

But he also brought me a box of about 20 mangos
from our tree!
They are almost ripe.
I'm keeping a close eye on them, and as soon
as they are ready I'll chop them up and put
them on trays in the freezer and then we 
will run to Hill City and get the freeze dryer.

I'm just now finished teaching for this morning.
I'm going to make me some lunch and then
I think I'll run to our little grocery store and
get a jug of bleach so I can clean out his
little chest freezer (it's in the garage but has been
in the tack room in Florida and then in storage in Hill
for a LONG time - he bought it when he lived in Logan)
so it needs a good cleaning.

And then I'll get ready to teach again tonight.

Have a LOVELY weekend!
Stay cool!
(It's in the 90's today but heading to the triple
digits next week - welcome to August!)
Our little house stays pretty nice until late afternoon...
and then I turn on the AC.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Coming Home

 Kyle is coming home today.
So I decided I had better get 
his artwork hung.

He let me pick three of his favorites.
Bought some frames.
They were the easiest frames I've ever used!
(Except for the stupid sticker they put
on the front. They were wrapped in plastic,
you'd think they would put it there!)

And it's not glass, it's plastic.

But that just means when they fall off
the wall they won't break.
That's good....

It will give me something fun to look
at while I'm teaching.

But now, I need to eat my breakfast and get
out to the farm and get some water on
the cucumbers.

We are getting some flowers on them!

And on the beans.
Something, a rabbit? Or the deer? or a bug?
Anyhow, something is eating the bean plants,
but they are soldiering on and were covered in 
blossoms yesterday, so we should have beans
in another couple of days.
I'm looking forward to that!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday Talk, Calling, Etc

 My talk went well.
There was a youth speaker before me.
They announced him and nothing happened.
And nothing happened.
And finally he walked to the stand and
leaned into the Bishop and said
"I've got nothing. I forgot!"
So, of course, the Bishop suggested he
simply share his testimony.
So that took about a minute and a half.

Luckily I had simply planned to introduce
us and then tell Rhoda Chase's story.
And a story can be as long or as short
as your audience is engaged in it.

I spoke for, probably 20 minutes or so.
The congregation was engaged,
the Spirit was there.
There were tears.
(Aren't there always?)

And then Sister Moore and her son
sang "Whenever I Hear the Song of a Bird".
Which made me cry again.
(She is the Gospel Doctrine teacher and is moving
this week to Denver.)
I kind of was thinking they might call me to replace her.

And then another brother from WaKeeney spoke.
He started by calling out numbers 1 thru 4.
As he called a number, a voice in the congregation
said loudly "I believe in God, the Eternal Father,
in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
I AM a child of God."
It was really powerful.
(He's a high councilman, so after he told me its
not "traditional" to have congregation participation,
but he gets away with stuff cuz he's 
high council. Hahahaha.)

Then we went to Sunday School.
And during class the 1st C in the Bishopric
called me out to extend a calling.

I was wrong.
I'm a Primary worker.
Next week after I'm sustained I'll spend 2nd
hour doing some training and learning 
about my class.
Little kids are not my jam.
But we grow where we are planted.

After church the "Sister Sisters" came by to visit.
Dina has allergies to fragrances, so we sat
on the front step. (It's been gorgeous weather all 
week, so it was still nice and cool-ish.)
We had a nice visit.

And then I went in to bake some raisin bread.

I'm heading out to the farm.
Not sure how much I'll get done today.
It's heavy overcast again, so that means
the solar pump on the well won't be
working today.
But I'll at least get 2 tanks. Maybe 3.
Which is all I do anyway.
And then I need to teach tonight.

I think Kyle might be heading this way today.
He'll be driving his VW Golf.
It's old.

So again, I'm asking for prayers.
I'll keep you posted on his progress.
(He turned his battery on "saver" mode,
so it doesn't update as often on Google Locator.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

First Harvest

 Last night we got a little rain here at the house
while I was teaching, but I turned on the radar and
kept an eye on the farm.
Looked like we got some good rain!
So this morning I got up and headed to Hill City
for their farmers market. (I need eggs and

It's overcast and chilly today.
It's 11:30 and only 70 outside right now.
It's kind of lovely!

Anyhow, it was slim pickings there.
There were only 3 vendors, the egg
lady didn't show up.
So I bought a couple of cucumbers and
a small jar of homemade dill pickles.

And then I headed to our farm.

And we had our first harvest!!!

(I stole the bucket that Kyle's screws came in...)
When I got there, it had between a quarter and a 
half inch of RAIN WATER in it!


We got five nice zucchini. 
There are several more coming on, might be ready
to harvest on Monday.

And I found our first baby yellow squash!

LOTS of flowers on the yellow squash plants.
The cucumbers are still tiny plants.
Nothing yet.

But I think I might have seen some flower
buds coming on a bean plant.

And the okra... well, that's always slow to start.


I'm excited to see signs of life.

(I have been weeding the rows, but left the stuff
growing in the walkways for the most part.)
We need a weed whacker or lawnmower or 
something to knock it down.

I'm hoping that the rain will get the 
sunflowers starting.
I'd love to have a big field of them!

Friday, July 19, 2024


 Got to talk to Soni for a minute and a half 
(Literally) I was teaching and she called while
I was finishing up my break.
Unfortunately I couldn't fudge it, because I'm
now using a "count down clock" on the screen
so my students know what time break is over.
(I was having a hard time translating to Florida time... lol)


I taught a sub class this morning, now I'm going
to run into Hays and return some stuff at
Tractor Supply and WalMart.
(I refuse to drive into town on Saturday
unless I have NO CHOICE...)
and then if I have time when I get home
I need to mow the yard.

And then it's back to teaching this evening.

Beau is enjoying his new bed in my office.

It's a lovely "cool" day here today.
Nice and windy.
With a chance of rain this evening.
We'll see.

Tomorrow I plan to drive into Hill City
(just 10 minutes north of the farm) and go
to their farmer's market and check them out
now that it has been going for a few weeks.
And buy some eggs.
And maybe a cucumber.

And then I'll swing by the farm and if ready,
I'll harvest the zucchini that are growing there.
And then home to finish writing my talk
for Sacrament Meeting on Sunday.

Thank you Mom for the extra genealogy information!
It came in the mail yesterday and I really
enjoyed reading it!

Also, I think I forgot to thank you for the July 4th
gift!  It's hanging on my calendar in my office
and I look at it every day!

Also notice the little dude hanging on
my closet door.
I'm getting a fun collection of Mom's ditties!
(The butterfly lives in my truck.)

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


 We got a little rain again last night.
So this morning instead of watering,
I started moving that big pile of cut grass
(hay) from the back of the garden onto
the rows.

And while I was working, there was a big ol' fat
bumblebee doing his job pollinating the squash blooms.

We have lots of flowers.
And now there is some hay around each
of these plants to help hold in the moisture.

I still need to do the cucumbers as well
as the beans and okra, but it was a LOT of work.
I pitchforked (that's a technical term) from
the pile (which was not loose but well packed
and kind of all stuck together and also had a LOT
of dirt in it) into a wagon and then 
dragged it over to the row I was working on
and then picked it up by hand and tucked it around
the base of each plant.
(I sprayed REALLY well for ticks first!)

After about 5 hours I had all the squash done.
And then I loaded up the gas cans and
went to the service station in town and got
some gas for the generator and diesel for
the tractor (neither are OUT, but I want to
have some on hand...) and then I went
to the house and took a nice cool shower
and took a NAP.

(I have been taking a lunch in my little
insulated lunch bag - today I had a ham and
cheese sandwich, some baby carrots and
a fruit snack.)


I just finished teaching tonight's class.
Half way through I forgot I raised up my
chair and when I went to stand up,
my armrest got caught under the desk
and flipped my 2nd computer monitor onto the floor.
I got it all hooked up again, but it wouldn't
show my presentation, so I had to sort of
fumble my way through the final 2 hours.
But we got it done.
And everybody was nice about it.

And now....
I'm off to bed.

Tomorrow it's back to watering again,
but I'll probably keep moving hay while
the water  is going on a different part of the garden.
Gotta get it all done, since they aren't
predicting any rain again until the weekend.
And even then, its hit or miss.
July and Aug are NOT big rain event months usually.
(Unlike you AZ guys who are mid-monsoon season...)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday - ONE WEEK

 It's been a week since Kyle left.

And I'm doing OK.
I think I've got the farm stuff mostly figured out.
Yesterday the tractor did a "regen" (which is when
you turn the revs WAAAAY up and let it burn off
all the carbon build up.)
Suddenly all kinds of lights start blinking
on the dash - I was pretty sure I broke something.
But a quick call to Kyle (and noticing the sign
that is RIGHT THERE that explains it and what to do...)
it was simple.

Last night, well, this morning about 2:30 I was
woken by 2 sonic booms - except I'm not in
Florida where that is common - it just means a
rocket is coming in to land.
I realized it was actually thunder,
so I pulled up my weather app and saw that it 
was raining out at the farm too.

Which means I turned off my alarm and slept in.
It was nice! (I was really tired...)
It was lovely, cool, and overcast this morning.
(Expected high only 91!)
I puttered around until about 9:00.
*We have a solar pump on the well out there
and it doesn't do much when its overcast...

Yesterday it was 105 out there.
Probably why I was so tired last night.
(I kept just closing my eyes while I was teaching...
good thing I didn't nod off!)

This morning I finally got out there around 9:30.
It was lovely out there! 
The neighbor was harvesting his wheat.
I forgot to take a picture.

I did some more weeding and watering.
I only ran 2 tanks of water.
The ground was nice and moist and I had
other stuff I needed to do.

As I was leaving, I noticed the neighbor's
calves were out on the road.

The Moms were all in their pasture, keeping an eye on them.
I called the guy who used to rent our pasture,
he said they belonged to Troy and he'd come get them.
About the time I was leaving, I saw him pull up on
his side-by-side and they herded right up.
I didn't stick around.

And when I pulled into WaKeeney there was a rogue
calf on the wrong side of HIS fence as well!
Calves. They are so silly.


Also yesterday, the county came by and grated
our farm road. That was MUCH appreciated!
There were lots of rain ruts.
It's nice and smooth now and my tractor
is much happier.
(Looking at that picture of our road
reminded me...)\

Anyhow (again).

I got home, brought in the trash can,
tossed my new shorts (Amazon delivery) in the 
washing machine, 
updated the home owner's insurance 
(new roof = lower premium!)
and installed my printer.
Finally figured out why it hadn't been working,
and it's all good now.
So I printed Rhoda Chase's life story for my
talk this weekend.
And now...
I think I'll eat an ice cream sandwich.

And while I was working at the farm,
a guy showed up and put a for sale sign
directly across the road.

But I think we probably have enough land.
For now.

How could I forget????
Yesterday, I found our FIRST ZUCCHINI!

It's still just a baby, but I'm so excited!
Good to know we can grow SOMETHING here.
(Besides weeds. We are expert at that...)

He even has a buddy!

Monday, July 15, 2024


 I planted a little rose bush we bought
at Home Depot a week or so ago.

And it bloomed!

No idea what kind they are.

But they were pretty!
They are gone now.
I need to deadhead the bush.
And MAYBE it will give us some more.
I planted them in the corner by the front steps.

The crimson clover is coming up in the raised garden
in the back yard.

And we have some baby watermelons coming up too.

And out at the farm we have our FIRST squash blossom!
I have no idea what kind of squash it is.
But I guess we will find out!

It's just barely sunrise, I've had breakfast,
done the banking, made my lunch and water jugs...
and now I'm going to get dressed and head to the farm.
It's supposed to be 106 degrees today, so I want
to get out there early so I can come home before
somebody turns on the furnace out there.

SO happy to hear Mom is doing well!
Take care of yourself Mom!
Thank you Nancy (and Reid and Rozann and Greg)
for watching over her and taking such good care.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

MUCH Better

 First off.... I realized I didn't update Kyle's trip.
Obviously he made it to Florida.
Got there around midnight Wed night.
It's a FASTER trip when you aren't weighed
down with an old lady and a dog.

It wasn't without its adventure though.

Wednesday morning he got a flat on the uHaul trailer.
Luckily we listened to the "little voice" and got the
insurance, so they sent someone out and had
it fixed in about 15 minutes.
(If there had been a spare Kyle said it would
have been done in 5. lol)
Grateful he wasn't out in the middle of nowhere
when it happened!

Anyhow. Other than that, and a chip in his
windshield, it went well.

And yesterday he sold the truck.
So the trip was a success.
He'll likely stay for awhile and help Rod.
And maybe work with Jim for a bit.
Or jump in his Golf and come back.
Who knows.
It's Kyle.

We are grateful for prayers for a safe journey.

This morning I mowed the backyard.
(The front didn't need it...)

And then I cleaned out the truck.

This is what happens when you take the dog with 
you to the farm and he runs around in the mud
and then jumps in the truck when you aren't looking.

Don't have heart failure Sweetheart.

I fixed it.
Its not perfect, but good enough for today.
Next trip into town I'll pick up some
upholstery cleaner for the cloth seats.


But for now it's better.
(Towels because I get in and I'm also pretty dirty
after a day at the farm.
And also those seats get HOT!)

And now I have a few "around town" errands
to do this morning. (Need a cucumber and some
milk from the grocery store and some fuel so I 
can make it into town tomorrow for church...)

Make it a great day!