Sunday, July 28, 2024


Yesterday we had our FIRST Farmer's Market.

We didn't have much to sell. 
But we brought what we had.
And we sold 11 zucchini and all 2 yellow squash.
So it was a good day.

There were several people and most
at least chatted and several bought something.
It's not a "huge" market.
There were 6 or 7 vendors.
The man that is kind of "in charge" has a 
good following and so lots of people pulled 
in, went straight to his table and bought what
they needed and left again.

But as we build up our produce and get
a little more known, I'm confident we will
also build a customer base.


After the market, we went home and grabbed
a bite to eat and then headed out to the farm
to see if there was anything we needed to pick.
But also, on Friday I had to teach a double,
so Kyle went to the farm by himself.
He did TONS of weeding and hoe-ing
and then came home and picked up his 
lawn mower and went back and mowed
in between all the rows and along all the edges.

So I was anxious to get out there and see
how good it looked.

Here's what it looked like earlier in the week.

And here is what it looked like on Saturday.
Notice anything missing?
It's hard to tell, in fact I didn't notice it
at first either.

Yes, the grass is gone.
But so is ALL THE CORN.
The neighbor's cows got out sometime between
Friday evening when Kyle left and Saturday
afternoon when we came out.
There were cow tracks everywhere.
And NO corn.
They ate every single stalk.
Right down to the ground.

So.... yeah.
At least that relieves us of making the decision to
focus on watering what IS growing and just
letting the corn do its thing or trying to 
keep watering it at the expense of everything else.

I'm kind of sad, we are pretty sure it wasn't
going to do anything, but there was that little chance.

But on the other hand,
everything is very nice and neat now.

And they didn't mess with anything except the corn
and all the grass around the garden.
(And they bit one zucchini in half but I guess
it's not their favorite flavor because they left
the other half on the plant...)


We will just focus our efforts on the squash
(which is looking really good)
and the okra (which is coming along)
and the beans (which the grasshoppers appear
to really love to eat).

I got called to teach the 5-6 year olds in Primary.
And Kyle got called to teach the 4-5s.
(It's an all boy class, they already have 2 Dads
in there, but they wanted another man...)

This afternoon we are just going to relax.
Maybe take a nap.

Tomorrow I have the electrician coming to fix
the plug so I can use my freeze dryer.
(Oh, we also picked that up from storage on 
Saturday and brought it here, but I can't use it
yet because the plug is wrong...)
He's also going to see what's wrong with the wiring
and plug he installed for Kyle's welder.
It isn't drawing enough power to run his welder.
He still had to pull out the dryer and plug it
in there when he was doing some repairs a couple
of weeks ago.


That's the plan.
Have a LOVELY Sunday!


rktucson said...

Congrats on the new callings! I just got released from mine - activity boys leader ( 5+ yrs) 10-11 yr olds. Was a good calling - every other Tues 6-7pm.

rktucson said...

Oh and sorry about the CORN - or lack there of!