Wednesday, July 10, 2024

First Day on My Own

 Kyle headed out to Florida Tuesday morning.

He packed up his little car on a UHaul trailer.
The first time he's done a bumper pull with the 450.
He is heading south to sell his truck and help Rod
finish up the sale of the house and move back.
I expect he will be gone about 6 weeks.

Beau and I are here on our own.

When I was at the farm with Kyle on Monday,
I cleaned out the Trooper a little so I could sit in it.
And look what I found.
He always shows up just when I need him.

Behold the turtle! He makes progress only
when he sticks his neck out!

Mom bought that for me when I moved out into the little
basement apartment in Calgary.
She was TOTALLY against me moving, 
and then gave me this as a way of letting me know that
she supported my decision and recognized my need
to get out on my own and GROW.
I've hung him in my room and used him as motivation
when I got a new job, calling, anything hard.

I'm going to be fine.

So I did my first day at the farm by myself.
I'm not as good at it as Kyle, and I didn't get out there
as early as I had planned, since I wanted to stay and see
Kyle off on his journey, so I was only out there for about 
4 hours. I only did 2 tanks (he usually does 3 or 4, but he
also stays ALL day...)

I was trying to take a picture of the volunteer
sunflowers coming up in the ditch.

But you can also see Wilson (the watering tractor)
in the background and the large circle of water he puts down.
We did a BUNCH of hoeing on Monday (and I did more
on Tuesday) so where he is, is all crop.
There is still a LOT of weeding to do, but its a start.

Meanwhile, our little house is coming together.

I went to the storage unit after the farm and picked up
one of the end tables we used to use in the living room.
The one I was using was too short so when I had
a lamp on it, the shade was in the way and I couldn't
see Kyle in his chair.

This gets the lamp out of the way.
And then I moved the one we were using into the bedroom
since it matches the one I was using on my side of the bed.

I should have turned on the other lamp, but I was getting
ready for bed and I just didn't.

As long as I was taking pictures this morning,
I decided to take one of the cute kitchen door
curtain I got last week.

The sunflower is the Kansas State Flower.
This week I'm going to plant a bunch in the
side of the garden we aren't using.
I wish I could till it up first, but I can't
change the implements on the tractor.
It will be fine.

The only room in the house that isn't "cute"
is my office. It's cute, its' just messy.
I don't know how to make the desk NOT
messy, there is just stuff I need when I teach.
And chords. LOTS of chords.
I am subbing this morning.
Was supposed to be off today, but Beth,
the morning teacher just got back from 3 weeks
in Europe and opened her mail.
She has jury duty today!
So I'm covering for her.
And she caught a bad cold, so isn't have a
procedure on Friday morning, so I'm NOT
teaching Friday morning.
Nice to have a flexible life.

Gonna eat my bacon and eggs
and get the day started.


rktucson said...

You will do great! Proud of you. Also good to show your kids we CAN do hard things on our own!! Let us know if you need anything! LOVE the turtle guy!! Way to go mom!

rktucson said...

Oh and good luck Kyle on his travels!