Friday, July 5, 2024

Happy Independence Day!

 It was a BUSY day.
Which is why I didn't post anything....

In the morning we had a nice breakfast
and then made a run into Hays.
We haven't been there (except church)
for 2 weeks!

We went to Home Depot and bought some
more wood, screws, a couple of plants,
and... oh yeah, a new measuring tape for me
since my little pink one isn't extremely accurate.

Then to Tractor Supply to get a new hose.
Then to WalMart (where Kyle stayed in the truck
to protect all the stuff we just bought)
and I did some grocery shopping.

Then back to WaKeeney.

One thing I have noticed in Kansas.
There are a LOT of cemeteries!
Now, everybody has cemeteries, but  I guess
they are more "out of the way". 
Kansans like to put 'em right up and center.
Up by the road.
And for the 4th they had the veterans cemetery
all decked out with flags.

It was nice to see!

Anyhow. After a bite of lunch we
loaded a bunch of boxes from 
the garage and drove them up to the storage unit.

On the way to the farm, I thought I noticed
a black cow in the middle of a
field of corn.

Kyle decided to check it out, so we turned
down a side road and sure enough.
She was standing there enjoying a "snack".
Cows are used to seeing trucks come out.
It usually means FOOD!
(It's called CAKE, just giant pellets but they LOVE it!)
So she had her eye on us.
And when Kyle stopped, she started
walking toward us.
He got out and started yelling the 
internationally recognized "Hey COW!" and
she started RUNNING.
But instead of running to us, she ran out of the
field, across the road, and JUMPED the fence!
Little brat!
(no pictures, my battery died so it was at home...)

So on we went to the farm and I rode the
4-wheeler around for a bit while Kyle
got 2 big buckets (using his Cat) full of
dirt and dumped them in the bed of his truck.

Once we got home, he built me a new raised bed!
(In the spirit of becoming even more independent...)

We filled the bottom with a bunch of flattened boxes from the move
and then I shoveled dirt into the little wagon (our wheelbarrow
is still in Florida... missed that thing for sure!)
And then he dumped it into the bed and leveled it out.
(We bought a new rake at Tractor Supply too... I forgot.)

Then we dumped the bags of Miracle Grow dirt on the top.

Then we planted the little tomatoes, a couple of peppers, and my rhubarb
as well as a bunch more tomatoes, some Nadapeno (a jalapeno with NO heat)
two rows of onions and some flowers to draw the pollinators.

Oh yeah, somewhere in there he also built me
a new shelf for in the kitchen.

Beau's food station is underneath,
but it's nice to get that giant thing off
the kitchen counter. I'll probably put the
Instant Pot on the lower shelf.
(And I'll move the ironing board, probably into the zoom room.)

Freed up a LOT of valuable real estate.
The counters are pretty small so every inch helps.

By the time we were done, 
the neighbors had started the fireworks, so we grabbed a
couple of chairs (and a blanket because it was getting chilly)
and we sat on the back porch and watched the local fireworks.
The town didn't need to do any because these boys down
here love to blow stuff UP!

There was one "finale" (these people did about 5 of them)
but one was SPECTACULAR! Better than anything
Palm Bay ever put on! When it was done you could
hear people from all over the town clapping and cheering.
It was so fun!!!
(I'm LOVING small town life!)
It didn't finally get dark until about 10:00.
We watched until about 11 and then we were STARVING,
so went in and I threw together some quick
alfredo and we ate some dinner while we listened
to the remaining booms and then off to bed.

This morning I'm a little stiff, but not too bad.
I got up, watered the garden, made some fertilizer
and put that on the plants, watered the stuff
in the front yard, made some dog food,
made me some breakfast and then sat down
to teach the morning class.

Now I'm in my break between classes.
I need to run to Dollar General to get a funnel.
I have some, but I'm pretty sure it was in one
of the boxes I just took to storage. I'll just buy one.
And then it's back to eat some lunch
and teach the evening class.
Kyle is at the farm.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Wow you do get allot done. I bet Rod enjoys these posts!