Friday, November 22, 2024

Whew! What a DAY!

 Today was the LONG awaited day for our
concrete delivery!

They were supposed to meet us at the farm
between 10:30 and 11:00, after they did
a pour for the hospital.

We got out there and finished up the
last little things that needed doing,
and just as we were done, 
here they came!
(They were about an hour late, but we used the time well...)

We had a total of 3 trucks.

The guys were all bundled up since it was 
still pretty chilly out.

They dumped mud into the lane and then
Kyle and Rod dragged it down to
fill half the form. (We did the other
half from the other side...)

It was a LOT of mud!
As the day went on, the clothes came off.
It actually got quite warm!

While they were moving mud, I came along
behind with a level attached to a 2x4 and
scree-ed it to make sure it was level and smooth.

We got better, and faster, but it still took a LONG time.
Off to the right is the mud room.
The only section that is totally concreted.
It was easier to do the whole thing than to try to just
go around the edges like the rest.
And then the center sections are just for the pilons. 
(You know, the posts that stick up and hold up the floor joists...)
(I have no idea what they are actually called.)
If you look closely, Rod is smiling.

While they finished up, I ran to Hill City and got us each
a ham/pineapple personal pan pizza.
And then while I was driving into town, I passed a 
semi coming down our road (not super common)
carrying somebody's trusses.
OH WAIT - those are OUR'S!

I forgot those were coming today.
Yes, the neighbor's dog came by again.
Kyle tied him to the stock trailer because he REALLY
wanted to come down into the hole with us and
get his little footie prints all over our fresh concrete.

I had to leave and rush back to WaKeeney to
get started teaching this evening's class.
While I was gone, they cleaned up
(Kyle had to use the skid steer bucket for some
of the concrete, so he had to get that out of there...)
and then they put the new Mr. Heater,
a diesel powered heat blower thingie,
down into the hole and covered the whole thing
with two 30x50' tarps and weighed it down
with cinder blocks. (Since we have 800+ of them...)

Kyle came home to grab a sleeping bag, a space heater,
and some snacks. Then he headed back out there
to babysit the heater.
They hooked it up at 7:00, so he went out about 9 
to see how much fuel it used in 2 hours.
Then he'll set up camp in his house and come back
by and check on it at midnight and again during
the night a couple of times to make sure it hasn't
run out of fuel or whatever.

By tomorrow it should be well on its way to being
cured. The low is 30, so it will freeze, but just barely.
So it should be fine.

It was 28 last night.

We got a TON of rain all day Monday (which is why we didn't 
get to pour that day - bummer, Jim was here to help!)
The pond was FULL to the top.
It's gone down significantly already.
But it had a nice little layer of ice.

It would be nice if it would hold water.
It would be fun to have a pond.
Although, we aren't allowed to have one if we
do the chickens - ponds attract geese and ducks.
And they potentially carry Avian Influenza.
And if the chickens get it we have to "depopulate" the flock.
And 20,000 chickens cost $125,000.
So that would be bad.

No pond.

I just finished teaching,
So it's off to bed with us.


(Yes, I know you aren't supposed to start a sentence with
the word "SO". Obviously it doesn't bother me a while bunch ..... lol.)
So much for my college english... hahaha.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Love it. I just love all your blogs... it's so great to hear in such detail all that is going on!! We feel like we are right there too (but not doing all the work lol) hope everyone sleeps well.. Kyle too!