Sunday, February 16, 2025

New and Kinda New

 Here is a better picture of our
new Ford Escape.

It's a pretty icy white/blue.
It rides really comfortably.
And I really enjoyed the heated seats!

And when we got to church,
I was released as the YW 1st Counselor
and called as the YW Secretary.
A job I am MUCH better suited for.

Our new President is the current 
Stake Primary President, but she has
been a YW president in the past.
She is the wife of our Stake Pres 1st C.

She called our previous 2nd C as her 1st C.
And her 2nd C was in the presidency jsut
before us.
(This calling is a revolving door!)

I think it will be a good presidency.
And they are ok with me not attending any
of the youth activities (Wed night) or camp.
(I can't go all the way out of town and then have
to come right back to teach...)

I'm looking forward to being the support though.

So that's all the news that's fit to print/

1 comment:

rktucson said...

So awesome. I'm really happy for you! I much prefer secretary Jobs as well. I'm much better at behind the scenes myself than in the thick of it all!!