It was a beautiful, sunny morning
when I got up this morning.
The horses were happy to get
their breakfast.
The cows are getting a little
less suspicious of me, but
they still stand back a little
until I've poured their feed into
their manger and walked away.
(Walking away is a challenge since
we've had a LOT of rain lately and
even under their feed shelter
it's pretty muddy!)
Because of all the rain,
our backyard (and pastures) are
They are everywhere!
You have to be careful where you walk
because fire ants are called that
for a reason!
They hurt!
Last night we had the Elders over for dinner.
I whipped up a batch of Cheeseburger Pie.
Just basically browned hamburger mixed with
a mayo/egg/heavy cream mixture.
Then I covered it all with some shredded cheese
and popped it in the oven for 30 minutes til
it was all melty and yummy.
Meanwhile, we put out all the possible
cheeseburger toppings on the table in
little individual bowls.
We had:
yellow & brown mustard,
bacon bits and
pickles (bread & butter and dill).
The green salad I bought was NASTY (slimy)
so I steamed up some broccoli
for a veggie.
The night before I baked a Trimtastic Chocolate Cake
and added about a half can of
sugar free cherry pie filling
to mimic Sondra's chocolate cherry cake.
That stayed in the fridge overnight to
get rid of the stevia after taste.
(If you let it sit, you can't even tell its not sugar)
Then while the pie was baking I tossed
some delicious vanilla ice cream stuff
into the ice cream maker.
The little bottle is vegetable glycerine - keeps the ice cream from freezing SOLID when you put it in the deep freeze! I add about a tablespoon. |
It was a delicious dinner!
And I didn't take any pictures.
The ice cream is SO easy!
But the machine is a bit loud so we
plugged it in in Kyle's bedroom.
What with all the rain and the ants, we
had an ant invasion at the back
french doors last night.
Which meant a quick trip into town
to the WalMarts to get some spray.
We had some out in the shed,
but its old and didn't poison them so
much as drown them.
This morning after I fed all the critters
but before I let Beau into the house,
I swept and damp mopped all the floors.
Especially around the french door.
Got that all cleaned up.
And then I made a big bowl of yummy
oatmeal with frozen raspberries for breakfast.
Stripped the sheets off the bed and
ran them through the wash.
Unloaded the dishwasher from last
night's feast, and finished cleaning
up the kitchen.
Listened to my weekly Trim Healthy podcast
while doing some school paperwork and emailing
and then it was time for lunch.
I really MISSED my daily okra and eggs,
so that's what I made for lunch.
I love okra in the air fryer.
(And Pioneer Woman on the TV in the background.)
Pulled out a London Broil for dinner.
And put some fresh eggs in the Instant pot
to hard boil.
They go in a little mesh bowl I have and I
set the IP for 4 minutes. When it beeps I
let it sit for another 4 minutes and then release
the pressure and put the whole mesh bowl into
my mix master bowl with ice water in the sink.
Rod really likes having egg salad made up
in the fridge. So I'll peel (it literally falls off)
drop them in the food processor with some mayo
and whir it up.
Meanwhile, I just got another alert on my phone.
We are the little blue dot east of Palm Bay.
Oh goody.
More rain.
It's raining.
In case you don't have a window to look out,
here's confirmation that its raining.
I am SO switching from satellite TV to cable.
Super annoying.
Better go make the egg salad
and get the sheets back on the bed.
Happy Wednesday!