Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Last week I pulled out our old hair dryer
and used it to melt the ice that was building
up around the door of the deep freezers.

I was having trouble closing the upright.
There was quite a bit of ice.
And the chest freezer was building a little as well.

So I got it all fixed.
And was quite proud of myself.
But I wasn't sure why the ice was 
building on the upright,
so I decided to leave the hair dryer
out there in case I needed to use it again.
I left it plugged in and put it up on the top.

So it appears that in doing so,
I ever so slightly moved the plug to
the upright, breaking the connection.

Turning it off.

And then I left town.

And Sunday Rod noticed that it smelled
an awful lot like something had DIED
out in the tack / freezer room.


Thankfully the beef is in the chest freezer.
But we still lost all the organ meat.
Heart, liver, tongue
and ALL the rest of my rabbit.

Poor Rod.

He had to bag it all up.
It was thawed and beginning to rot.
There was LOTS of blood.
It was nasty.
And smelly.
And stinky.
And gross.
And he did it.

By the time I got home from school on
Sunday night he had all the meat out,
but was still working on the nasty wet stuff.

We worked together for a couple of hours
and got it as cleaned up as we could.

Then Monday he called out from work
(family emergency - I think this counts...)
and he moved the freezer out to the yard
so he could wash it REALLY well.

our back door into the tack / freezer room
has been slowly falling apart.
The weekend before it finally fell off its hinges.
So Rod propped it up and screwed a
2 x 4 over it to hold it in place.
It was his plan this weekend to replace it.

And since we have a hurricane coming,
it still needed to be done.
So on top of fixing the freezer problem,
he also removed the old door,
bought a new one, and installed it.
While I took Kyle to the chiropractor and
back to the E.R. to get his work comp 
paperwork completed.
(Waste of time - they "don't do that"...)


The room still smells a little,
but it is 80% better than it was.

And we have a beautiful new door!

I looked through ALL my pictures to find
a before picture.
Apparently I  don't ever take pictures 
of the back of my house.

But here is the NEW door.

Its a beautiful door.

We are kind of thinking of getting another
one to replace the front door too.

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