Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hurricane Prep Continues

Last night we got out all our plywood
and figured out what goes where.

The outside of our property doesn't need much.
I just mowed ALL the property on Tuesday
and there is almost NOTHING loose
that needs to be picked up.
We have been on a "get rid of it" kick
lately (thanks Kyle!)...

Literally, take one kayak down from the
barn ceiling, gather up 7 rubbermaid chairs,
bring in the BBQ and the trash cans.

Oh, and board up the windows.
But we'll wait until Friday/Saturday
to do that.
Kyle will be home.
And it is DEPRESSING to be in a house
with no light. So the longer we can put
that chore off, the better.
We always save the patio doors til last.

Thankfully Rod installed our beautiful new
tack room door over the weekend.
We never cover that window anyway.

This morning I went out and cut down
all the rogue rose bushes from under
Jim's bedroom window.
(They are left from the previous owner...
so they are 15 years old but they just
won't die! Or bloom...)
I imagine one of these days we'll get around
to just digging them out.
But not THIS day.

I got that all cut and into the trash can
about 15 minutes before the yard trash
truck came by - whew!

I'm eating my breakfast oatmeal and
then I'm heading to WalMart.
Planning to spend the morning.
I only need a couple of things.
I'd like some apples.
And stuff to make spaghetti.
Otherwise we are set.
We have lots of meat and canned veggies.
And if push comes to shove,
we have a couple cases of MRE's.


We don't have a 30,000 gallon swimming pool
anymore, but we do have a neighbor with
an artesian well.
So... unlimited water source.
And its sweet water.
So. No problem there.
(Not to mention our own well...)

Rod showed me the BEST meme on Facebook
last night.
Describes it PERFECTLY.

Just as I hit Publish - the Gov came on TV and announced
that we are now predicting a Cat 4.

Waiting for a hurricane is like being
stalked by a turtle.

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